Thursday, December 21, 2006


Hi Scott
Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with me on Tues. I ordered your book today. I can't wait to read it. Is Jan the only time your ABC's of investing class begins? Is it possible to read through your book to see if the stock market game is something I am interested in? Or I may have to look for a different money game I am interested in--like owning a business/ buying real estate, etc. My concern--I have been listening to "the Warren Buffet Way" audio book. So far, it is a little boring to me. I know I want to learn more about what to do with my money and how to manage it, protect, it, and make it grow. I am not sure analyzing the market is what I will like. What do you think?



That's why I give you strategy that don't require that you analyze the market... except at the end of extended bull runs and even then I don't want you to do it the "usual" way. It is imperative that you gain control of your finance through an online account in which you can employ a number of simple yet powerful strategies that do not require analysis.

The ABC class is open each month so don't worry and is geared to get you comfortable managing an online trading account. I don't teach analysis in the ABC class. Analysis is for the advanced course and is NOT for everyone! :-)

I recommend that you read my book once or twice over the holiday's and then go back and read the book (supposedly) about Warren Buffet. The Warren Buffet Way will not be boring once you have the necessary concepts and definitions in place in your mind!

Even if you engage in another "money game" you must have a solid understanding of simple, passive strategies like non-indexed, no-load, non-managed mutual funds in a Roth IRA or individual trading account! You just put it in place and ignore it until the after the market makes a long extended upward run!


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