Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Did you know WalletDoctorBlog that sickness is anger taken out on the body?

Don�t ever forget what I am about to tell
you WalletDoctorBlog because your life really
does depend on it;

My father died of throat cancer when I was 19.
That is certainly nothing new to you as I am sure
that you have had people close to you die of horrific
diseases around you before. The thing is that I
was studying molecular biology at the time and I
had started to seriously question if we really
understood disease and death. The reason is that I
was a student at one of the top schools in the world,
Indiana University, and my friends were among
the smartest in the world in terms of medical research;
the guys who teach your doctors what to do to you.

The reason I was questioning the nature of disease is
that I was becoming aware of spontaneous healings.
I began to notice that people who held in a lot of
anger, like my dad, died horrible deaths.
Alternatively, I also noticed that people that didn�t
take offense to things that happened to them in life
didn�t get as sick as often, as much or at all.

For instance I know of one women who was
spontaneously healed of cancer when she surrendered
all of her fear (anger is just a form of fear really).
I also know of a physician on the faculty of the
University of San Francisco who was spontaneously
cured of cancer after she decided to forgive
everyone she ever knew in her life. So here is a
question I pose to you. Does forgiveness have
the power to cure our physical illnesses? I have
come to observe that it does.

If forgiveness has the power to heal our bodies by
removing our fear, guilt, and anger what do you think
it can do for your finances? Is there a situation, person,
or memory that you can forgive right now to start
moving forward financially?



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