Sunday, February 26, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog be wisely frugal but selectively extravagant�

Have you ever wondered WalletDoctorBlog why
so many solid businessman drive cruddy, old
cars from a dingy, run down offices to their
palatial homes in the suburbs? Warren Buffet,
perhaps the greatest investor alive is known for
this. The reason they live this life style is not
because they are cheap misers but because they
have a high level of financial intelligence that
you can develop as well.

They understand that if they have $90,000.00 that
they could either put that money into
1. reducing their debt
2. invest it into the stock market
3. selective home improvements
4. improve the appearance of their business facilities (I am assuming that this doesn�t have an appreciable impact on their profitability and believe me it almost never does despite excuse mangers make to blow money)
5. buy a new Mercedes Benz for themselves
6. buy their children a new car.

The first two choices increase your net worth
(equity) which is always a good thing and equity
is not taxed. The third choice increases your
enjoyment (utility) of your home. If you remodel
your kitchen or bath appropriately you may also
increase your equity. So if you have spare cash
in excess of your debts and a solid investment,
savings plan than this can be a good choice as well.

The fourth and fifth choices are TOTAL wastes of
money because your business sits there for you to
suck money out of and nothing else. A car loses a
quarter of its value the moment it is driven off of
the lot and then continues its downward slide to
nothing. Depreciating assets are not investments
they are financially undesirable necessities if you
can�t walk everywhere you need to go. An automobile
is a financially undesirable necessity, nothing more,
nothing, less.

The very last choice is the worst possible use of
your money. Not only do you waste your money
but you also teach and reinforce financial
mismanagement in the minds of your offspring.
Your children learn that they do not have to work
for anything they want. Worse still they will
mentally assign a value to the automobile relative to
the amount of effort it took for them to acquire it
and that is zero.

In Steven Silbiger�s book �The Jewish Phenomenon�
(a book all ethnicities can learn from) he describes
in other ways why this concept of being
prudently frugal yet selectively extravagant is a major
key to the extraordinary wealth of the Jewish ethnicity.
He shows clearly how Jewish families use this wisdom
to convert their income into lasting wealth. Don�t forget
that this wisdom is not restricted to Jews and in fact is
the underlying lying cause of financial stability in high
income families of low income ethnicity. The most
enduring wealth of course is a debt free life style with
adequate passive income and the knowledge to recoup it
all if lost. Learn more about stock investing the right
way by going here now:


If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog successful investors have learned to talk their walk!


The fourth secret to success of the Jewish
tribe is verbal competence and here is why.
Today, English is the most widely spoken and
written language on the planet. English was
first spoken in Britain by Germanic tribes in
the Fifth Century AD. At that time it was
known as the Old English (Anglo-Saxon) period.
During the Middle English period (1150-1500 AD),
many Old English word endings were replaced
by prepositions like by, with, and from. We are
currently in the Modern English period which
started in the Sixteenth Century.

The number of words in English has grown from
50,000 to 60,000 words in Old English to about a
million today; the largest of all languages by far.
An average educated person knows about 20,000
words and uses only about 2,000 words in a week.
Despite its widespread use, there are only about
350 million people who use it as their mother

It is the official language of the Olympics. More
than half of the world's technical and scientific
periodicals as well three quarters of the world's
mail, and its telexes and cables are in English.
About 80% of the information stored in the world's
computers (like this text) are also in English. English
is transmitted to more than 100 million people
everyday by 5 of the largest broadcasting companies
(CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC, CBC). It seems like
English will remain the most widely used language
for some time.

The field of finance was pioneered by the United
States of America as an extension of mercantilism.
This was at a time when study of anything but
economics was considered unworthy as compared to
hard sciences like math, chemistry and physic and
kissing up in the king�s court was highly regarded.
The first business schools were established in the
United States for this reason and still maintain their
dominance. Finance has many words such as �put�
and �call� for which there are no translations in
other languages.

It is critical that you develop your financial vocabulary.
My understanding of the financial vocabulary is
vast compared to the average person because of my
Ph.D. that I hold in the field as well as my investing
experience as a futures and options trader and long
term stock investor.

Many years of study at the doctoral level combined
with direct practice in investments has allowed me
to develop a vast financial vocabulary. This allows
me to capture the essence of investment readings
and conversations that the average person does not
understand. Many investors fail not for lack of
intelligence (I am of average intelligence) but lack
of comprehension of what makes the stock market
tick. This is due, in great part, to a lack of vocabulary
that the common man on the street has not developed.
Take the time to develop your financial vocabulary
and you will excel over time as an investor. If you
learn to develop you financial vocabulary a world of
investing success will open up to you! Go here now to
begin developing you investing vocabulary:


If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

[Part 1 of 3] Who attended the 2000 Screw University class reunion WalletDoctorBlog?

Hi WalletDoctorBlog-

Both fundamental and technical analysis have
their place in investing but most people fail to
understand the backdrop of the market that
dictates how you use each. Let�s say you were
selling a small expanding car repair shop chain
with say 3 stores, for instance, and could prove
that the company has healthy with steadily
increasing profits. You could justify a high price
for the business because of the steadily increasing
cash flow that the new owner will reap for managing
the business.

Makes total sense on the level of a sole proprietorship
but in Wall Street tries to convince you it is same
with corporate earnings and stock dividends
but they are trying to dupe you and here is
why. First of all executive corporate insiders
are under no obligation to pay out any of the
corporate profits. They can easily justify this
by plowing profits back into the company.
Even worse they use profits to buy the company
stock at high price levels when they want to cash
out of their stock options they paid nothing for or
even to give themselves more perks.

By the way the insiders have fought tooth and nail
against the Financial Accounting Standards
Board (FASB) to ensure that corporate stock
options are not reported as a cost to the company!
Even if you buy a stock on the primary market you
still have to sell it on the secondary market. This
is why I tell people that the is a special college
for executive corporate insiders called Screw
University (For instance my undergraduate
degree is Indiana University also known as
Indiana U.).

On the secondary market you are buying the
stock from another person not the company itself.
That means that people really only care about won
thing. They think to themselves, �Can I buy the
stock at today�s price and sell it for more down
the road in the future?� This means that the stock
market is really a big pyramid scheme where people
can legally buy in at any price and they hope that
they are among the first before a big price rise
takes off. To learn how to make potentially
huge amounts of money off of this fact go here now!


Ps. The price of my Bulletproof Stock Investing
home study course is increasing $100.00 next
Saturday on February 18, 2006 due to the high
value of the course and the hard cost of producing
and shipping the course. I am letting you know so
that you are not caught of guard because the course
price will never be this low again.

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

3 vital ke.ys to we.alth WalletDoctorBlog!

Hi WalletDoctorBlog;

There are three simple keys to becoming
permanently wea.lthy. If you master these keys
and integrate them into your daily life. You will
start to notice how many people are actually going
backward on the road to ric.hes!
Key #1: Maximize your earnings. Look for
creative ways to make extra mon.ey in your spare
time. Alternatively, if you have a stay at home
spouse then fully support them in making extra
Key #2: Eliminate or drastically reduce your debts.
Do not make get a second mortgage on your
home to meet you needs unless your only
other opportunity is �Guido the shark!�
The Dit.ech marketing tagline is �Another
lost to Dit.ech� but it would be more accurate if
it were �another sucker stepped into our bear
trap!� The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
that insures your bank deposits for instance offers
strong warnings against seeking a second mortgage
when you are strapped (
as does the Federal Trade Commission ( ).

Here is a checklist of things you can do right
now to become debt free:

1: Look out for wasteful expenditures in your household (make sure your significant other is on board in this area).

2: Do not buy a new vehicle after you out
the This is a significant and short term
source of savings for most families. If you
immediately begin paying what you were
paying on your monthly car payment into an
investment retirement account such as a Roth
IRA you will be getting richer instead of
expanding your lifestyle or wasting the extra
mon.ey. Sit down and plan with your partner
now what you will do when you out your
car My wife and I saved $600.00 of the
$700 we were paying monthly on our car lo.ans
or $7,200.00 annually. If you did this you would
only be short $800.00 to make the full contribution
this year to both you and your significant other�s
Roth IRA! If you saved or earned an extra $3.08
per each of the 260 working days in a year you
would cover the additional $800.00 short fall.

2: Use some of the mon.ey you were paying
on a car to accelerate your mortgage. For
instance if you were to put $100.00 of the $700.00
in the preceding example toward the principal
balance of a $100,000.00 mortgage originated
at 6% for thirty years at the time you buy your
residence you would reduce the payoff date by
nine years and save $39,551.45 in interest
payments! This is called �accelerating� a

3: Follow Warren Buffet�s investing advice
for the mon.ey you save in your Roth IRA.
Look for large, well managed companies that
are undervalued in terms of share price then
buy and hold for long term gains over years or
even a decade or more. Learn to get out when
the market is hyped up to ridiculous heights as
it was in 1999 and 2000. It was during this
period that virtually all corporate insiders were
dumping their optioned shares on the public
(Read Yale English professor and financial
journalist Maggie Mahar�s, delightful book �Bull!�
for an eloquent description of how inside corporate
America pulled off the �pump and dump� scheme
of the century without a single SEC subpoena).
Avoid short term, highly leveraged, fast buck
investment strategies like futures, futures options,
and stock options as an investment vehicle no
matter how well known the author/ speaker/
guru is. Remember that many financial gurus
do not walk their talk. They are intent on making
lots of mon.ey selling courses to support their own
excessive lifestyle.

Key #3: Learn to invest intelligently what you
save. Successful investing takes patience, resolve,
discipline, forgiveness of mistakes, and consistency.
In my many years as both a finance professor and
investor my personal observation is that women
have more of these characteristics than men. The
one difference I have noted is that women do not
always exploit these natural strengths for fear of
loss, or fear of what other people will say if people
were to find out they invest. Don�t let your fear
hold you back but be methodical in learning about
the stock market before you commit your hard
earned savings.

Don�t ever forget that a strong man is one who
fully supports the woman he loves. A strong man
has sufficient self confidence to continue working
as a team even if his wife earns more as was the case
throughout most of our marriage. A strong man
understands the power of unity throughout his
relationship with the women he loves. If you are a
woman reading this then recognize that you should
never tolerate a man who belittles you in any way;
who makes you think that you cannot invest or
manage your mon.ey just as well or even better
than he does. You do not need a man by your
side to complete yourself but on the other hand
fairy tale romances really do exist if you are
ready. If you let your higher mind guide you
to the right partner you will truly find a
relationship made in heaven.

My wife and I do all of our financial planning
together as a team. My fearlessness can also
lead to impetuousness which is balanced by
her level head. I firmly believe that the best
investors of all are a unified team of loving
husband and wife or loving life partners.
Love and forgive one another with all your
hearts and you will find your common ground
and your invulnerability. We each have individual
strengths but when two minds commune the resulting
unified mind is much, much stronger than the parts!
Go here now if you are ready to learn about stock


Ps. I just posted an answer to a great question from a 25 year old woman saving to purchase her dream home. Don�t forget that you have to hit the register button if you have never been in. I created the Wallet Doctor discussion board for you so don�t be bashful about using it!

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Friday, February 10, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog are you mad at me about AAPL?

Hey WalletDoctorBlog-

I received an awesome reply yesterday from
a gentleman intimately involved with Apple
Computers (you know who you are). He told
me that his son bought the stock low His son is
clearly on the road to great riches! He also extolled
the virtues of the company and its loyal fan base.
I whole heartedly agreed! Apple Computers
has the hottest products on the market right now
and is a well managed company.

If you walk into Comp USA it is impossible
not to be immediately attracted to the incredibly
cool looking and well built Macintosh computers
and I-pod mp3 players. But the reality is that many
software producers cannot afford to write for the
Macintosh platform, even though it is far superior,
because of the near monopoly Microsoft achieved
with its non-Macintosh operating system. It was
for that reason that I, a former hardened Mac fan,
was forced to convert irrevocably to Windows XP;
I simply could not get my math and finance programs
to run on my Macintosh.

Time will tell if the I-pod will hold out. There
are all ready a lot of mp3 I-pod rip offs out there.
However, when John Scully, former inside
CEO of Pepsi Cola pillaged Apple I thought
the company was in the garbage bin from
the standpoint of the �church of Macintosh�
and so did many others. The rise in stock price
has been remarkable but sustained increases
are not guaranteed.

People in the public simply don�t understand
the importance of separation of church and state!
Marketing departments for companies like Apple
spend enormous energy creating a cult like church
following of worshippers of the company and
products. However this does not necessarily
have anything to do with share price.

The state of stock investing is very different
from the church of consumerism. When investors
buy a stock they really only care about one thing;
�can they buy the stock low today and sell it high
tomorrow?� This is investing in a nutshell so
when you hear someone talking about how great
a company and its products are as if this MUST
mean that continued share price increases MUST
continue then yawn and move on (this is not
implied by the gentleman who sent me the
delightful e-mail I received last night, by the way)!

Let me explain with numbers. Let�s say that
the son of the gentleman who e-mailed me
bought AAPL at $10 per share and sold it two
and a half years later at $80 per share at the
beginning of this year. That is a remarkable
700% holding period return (non-annualized
return). Now I ask you, �how much would
the stock price have to increase if you bought
AAPL stock at $80 for you to have a 700%
holding period return two and a half years
from now in 2008?�

The answer is $640 per share!!! Yes, I am
telling that if you are interested in Apple
stock because of its recent spectacular rise
that you would have to get a $560 increase
in the share price to get the same result. Do
you see why I get so annoyed when I get
junk mail from investment gurus hawking
stocks like this to a gullible, inexperienced
public that worships the products and services
of a company like AAPL? Talk about rubbish!
You don�t need to rely on this momentum
garbage that seemed to work at the top of the
market in the nineties for a short while.
Momentum investing sucks because you never
know when the market is gong to turn on you.

This is why it is so important for you to
learn to coldly identify stocks that are low
priced and buy them when nobody wants them.
Learn to buy them when they are not being hawked
by slick financial gurus. This is exactly what I
teach you to do in my course. All the signs
were there in AAPL if you knew how to read
them. There are so many great companies with
low priced stocks out there right now waiting for
you to buy them. Go here right now if you want
to learn how to invest in stocks the right way:


Ps. Remember that Wall Street wants to feed
you a line of bull that you aren�t smart enough
or capable enough to invest on your own. I am
teaching you that you are richer than you think.
You can become a great stock investor. Join me in the
revolt against Wall Street! Just forward this e-mail
to your buddies and tell all your friends to get their subscription to this e-zine by registering at:

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

When a st.ock stinks WalletDoctorBlog�

Hi WalletDoctorBlog-

..notice that on January 3rd a question was posted
about AAPL in the Wallet Doctor Forum
about Apple Computer. I commented that I
did not like the chart pattern. Here is why.
[Open another browser window for and then type in the
ticker symbol for Apple computer (AAPL).]
When I looked at the price chart I immediately
noticed that it had been in a constant uptrend
from $40.00 per share to $80.00 per share.

Pay attention. What I did not like about the
chart was that it had risen too much. This
means that all of the people who bought at
lower prices are starting to take profits by
selling out. Selling pressure forces the stock

Ironically, when �financial gurus� are hawking
their secret method they will write idiocies
like �100% return on AAPL this year alone.�
Anytime a stock like AAPL has a long extended
rise like this every financial analyst (a close
cousin to the gypsy fortune teller) claims that
they saw AAPL coming and how you missed
out because you weren�t listening to them.
This is how the unknowing public�s attention
is diverted to stocks that are already run up.
The greenhorns (another way of saying
inexperienced) get sucked into bad stock market
investments this way. The public gets burned
buying high and selling low. I don�t teach you
to listen to me I teach you to listen to yourself
for this very reason. This is why it is so important
that you develop your own skills to analyze and
select your own stocks..

Also notice how kicks you onto
a one year chart automatically. That is because
almost everyone who wants to get rich in the
stock market focuses on the short term and
looks at one year charts. [Use the drop down
menu next to where you entered the symbol
to select a decade chart and look at what
happens.] It is obvious that the right time to
buy was back in 2003 when you weren�t
hearing anything about AAPL. I would have
written something like this, �AAPL has a
0% return this year and is my hottest buy
recommendation� and would not get any
interest from anyone because people simply
do not understand long term stock investing.

If you would have bought AAPL at the
right price you would have paid between
$8 and $10 just a few years ago. You would
have had around a 700% holding period return
when all of the greenhorns were jumping in at
$80. Now you tell me who would sleep better
at night. You would have bought at $10 and
would be selling now to the greenhorns who
bought in at $80. You would sleep well at
night while they are tossing and turning in bed.
This is why it is so important for you to learn
how to invest in the long term.

There is a lot of detail to reading long term
charts well but you can see how easy it is to
spot the sucker plays on a long term price chart.
Go here right now to start to really learn how
to buy low and sell high:


Ps. I want to give a big kudos to the person
who posted that great question on the forum
please keep posting them and I will keep
teaching you. Don�t forget that you have
to register to get in:

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

AAPL - when a stock stinks WalletDoctorBlog

Hi WalletDoctorBlog-

Notice that on January 3rd a question was posted about AAPL in the Wallet Doctor Forum ( about Apple Computer. I commented that I did not like the chart pattern. Here is why. [Open another browser window for and then type in the ticker symbol for Apple computers (AAPL).] When I looked at the price chart I immediately noticed that it had been in a constant uptrend from $40.00 per share to $80.00 per share.

Pay attention. What I did not like about the chart was that it had risen too much. This means that all of the people who bought at lower prices are starting to take profits by selling out. Selling pressure forces the stock down.

Ironically, when financial gurus are hawking their secret method they will write idiocies like �100% return on AAPL this year alone.� Anytime a stock like AAPL has a long extended rise like this every financial analyst (a close cousin to the gypsy fortune teller) claims that they saw AAPL coming and how you missed out because you weren�t listening to them. This is how the unknowing public�s attention is diverted to stocks that are already run up. The greenhorns (another way of saying inexperienced) get sucked into bad stock market investments this way. The public gets burned buying high and selling low. I don�t teach you to listen to me I teach you to listen to yourself for this very reason. This is why it is so important that you develop your own skills to analyze and select your own stocks..

Also notice how kicks you onto a one year chart automatically. That is because almost everyone who wants to get rich in the stock market focuses on the short term and looks at one year charts. [Use the drop down menu next to where you entered the symbol to select a decade chart and look at what happens.] It is obvious that the right time to buy was back in 2003 when you weren�t hearing anything about AAPL. I would have written something like this, �AAPL has a 0% return this year and is my hottest buy recommendation� and would not get any interest from anyone because people simply do not understand long term stock investing.

If you would have bought AAPL at the right price you would have paid between $8 and $10 just a few years ago. You would have had around a 700% holding period return when all of the greenhorns were jumping in at $80. Now you tell me who would sleep better at night. You would have bought at $10 and would be selling now to the greenhorns who bought in at $80. You would sleep well at night while they are tossing and turning in bed. This is why it is so important for you to learn how to invest in the long term.

There is a lot of detail to reading long term charts well but you can see how easy it is to spot the sucker plays on a long term price chart. Go here right now to start to really learn how to buy low and sell high:


Ps. I want to give a big kudos to the person who posted that great question on the forum please keep posting them and I will keep teaching you. Don�t forget that you have to register to get in:

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog here are three keys to your golden kingdom!

Hi WalletDoctorBlog;

There are three simple keys to becoming
permanently wealthy. If you master these keys
and integrate them into your daily life. You will
start to notice how many people are actually going
backward on the road to ric.hes as you race forward!
Key #1: Maximize your earnings. Look for
creative ways to make extra money in your spare
time. Alternatively, if you have a stay at home
spouse then fully support them in making extra
Key #2: Eliminate or drastically reduce your debts.
Do not make get a second mortgage on your
home to meet you cash needs unless your only
other opportunity is �Guido the loan shark!�
The Ditech marketing tagline is �Another loan
lost to Ditech� but it would be more accurate if
it were �another sucker stepped into our bear
trap!� The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
that insures your bank deposits for instance offers
strong warnings against seeking a second mortgage
when you are cash strapped (
as does the Federal Trade Commission ( ).

Here is a checklist of things you can do right
now to become debt free:

1: Look out for wasteful expenditures in your household (make sure your significant other is on board in this area).

2: Do not buy a new vehicle after you cash out
the loan. This is a significant and short term
source of savings for most families. If you
immediately begin paying what you were
paying on your monthly car payment into an
investment retirement account such as a Roth
IRA you will be getting richer instead of
expanding your lifestyle or wasting the extra
money. Sit down and plan with your partner
now what you will do when you cash out your
car loan. My wife and I saved $600.00 of the
$700 we were paying monthly on our car loans
or $7,200.00 annually. If you did this you would
only be short $800.00 to make the full contribution
this year to both you and your significant other�s
Roth IRA! If you saved or earned an extra $3.08
per each of the 260 working days in a year you
would cover the additional $800.00 short fall.

2: Use some of the money you were paying
on a car loan to accelerate your mortgage. For
instance if you were to put $100.00 of the $700.00
in the preceding example toward the principal
balance of a $100,000.00 mortgage originated
at 6% for thirty years at the time you buy your
residence you would reduce the payoff date by
nine years and save $39,551.45 in interest
payments! This is called �accelerating� a

3: Follow Warren Buffet�s investing advice
for the money you save in your Roth IRA.
Look for large, well managed companies that
are undervalued in terms of share price then
buy and hold for long term gains over years or
even a decade or more. Learn to get out when
the market is hyped up to ridiculous heights as
it was in 1999 and 2000. It was during this
period that virtually all corporate insiders were
dumping their optioned shares on the public
(Read Yale English professor and financial
journalist Maggie Mahar�s, delightful book �Bull!�
for an eloquent description of how inside corporate
America pulled off the �pump and dump� scheme
of the century without a single SEC subpoena).
Avoid short term, highly leveraged, fast buck
investment strategies like futures, futures options,
and stock options as an investment vehicle no
matter how well known the author/ speaker/
guru is. Remember that many financial gurus
do not walk their talk. They are intent on making
lots of money selling courses to support their own
excessive lifestyle.

Key #3: Learn to invest intelligently what you
save. Successful investing takes patience, resolve,
discipline, forgiveness of mistakes, and consistency.
In my many years as both a finance professor and
investor my personal observation is that women
have more of these characteristics than men. The
one difference I have noted is that women do not
always exploit these natural strengths for fear of
loss, or fear of what other people will say if people
were to find out they invest. Don�t let your fear
hold you back but be methodical in learning about
the stock market before you commit your hard
earned savings.

Don�t ever forget that a strong man is one who
fully supports the woman he loves. A strong man
has sufficient self confidence to continue working
as a team even if his wife earns more as was the case
throughout most of our marriage. A strong man
understands the power of unity throughout his
relationship with the women he loves. If you are a
woman reading this then recognize that you should
never tolerate a man who belittles you in any way;
who makes you think that you cannot invest or
manage your money just as well or even better
than he does. You do not need a man by your
side to complete yourself but on the other hand
fairy tale romances really do exist if you are
ready. If you let your higher mind guide you
to the right partner you will truly find a
relationship made in heaven.

My wife and I do all of our financial planning
together as a team. My fearlessness can also
lead to impetuousness which is balanced by
her level head. I firmly believe that the best
investors of all are a unified team of loving
husband and wife or loving life partners.
Love and forgive one another with all your
hearts and you will find your common ground
and your invulnerability. We each have individual
strengths but when two minds commune the resulting
unified mind is much, much stronger than the parts!
Go here now if you are ready to learn about stock


Ps. You may have notice that I put periods inside
some words. I do this so that these messages don�t
get blocked out by the spam filter. Also don�t forget
that I have created a forum for your questions so please
don�t be shy. Don�t forget that you have to register if
you haven�t already done so:

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

A safe harbor for mutual fund pirates

�The Wallet Doctor�
A financial newsletter for long-term investors!
Volume 1, Issue 16
Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D.


Soft dollars, a form of legal kickback, is a sly way you can get ripped off by mutual fund managers. Full service brokers give these kickbacks to non-indexed mutual funds in the form of a �rebate� to purchase research, software, and even computer equipment.

You pay for these soft dollars! In recent years, the SEC estimated that soft-dollar deals exceeded $1 billion. Typically, $1 accrues for every $1.60 of brokerage commissions paid. Congress made these kickbacks legal in 1975 when it passed the �safe harbor� law. The legislation allows fund managers to pay more in commissions than is necessary, as long as the excess comes back in the form of services or research that benefits investors.

The problem is that this has created an opaque system that can be abused. In 1998, the SEC found that some money mangers were using soft dollars to pay for salaries, office rent, and even vacations! Think about this. You sweat every day at work to make a living. You buy a mutual fund to secure your retirement. Then the person who is supposedly protecting your retirement is sipping Margaritas in Cancun discussing with his or her buddies where to buy their next mansion with your retirement dollars!
The second problem is that many funds are not taking advantage of cost saving efficiencies in their operations just so that they can keep the soft-dollar spigot open. Think about this as well.

If you had enough money to not have to work you would spend a considerable amount of time looking for safe places with a good return for your money. You would not waste money on things your family did not want and hence did not need. Why five your money then to a mutual fund managers who could care less if they waste some of your retirement dollars; its no skin off their back! The best way to avoid these losses altogether is to restrict your purchases of mutual funds to your 401(k) and try to only buy indexed mutual funds such as the Vanguard 500 (FINX).
If you want to learn more about investing in individual stocks get my course �The Blue-Collar Base Bonanza � What the insiders [definitely] don�t want you to know!� More detailed information about the course is on my website at

The mission of the Delano Max Wealth Institute is to guide investors toward a secure retirement with the peace of mind that comes from the elimination of fear of investing and recognition of abundance within us instead of perception of lack in the world outside of us. We are driven by compassion for our fellow sentient beings, not fear of them, recognizing the equality and self evident rights of all, and are committed to conducting business based on the principles of the golden rule. Because of this commitment, we promise the following: To teach our students in the most simple, plain language wherever possible. To teach our students how to save consistently in increasing increments with increasing wealth: To teach our students how to diversify: To teach our students how to avoid large losses as best we know how: To teach our students how to turn away anything that sounds too good to be true: To share every secret we know about investing with investors who participate in our trainings. Finally, the Delano Max Wealth Institute promises to lead the way with innovative courses and seminars, bringing benefits to all who are associated with us.

The material in this site and newsletter is provided for personal, non-commercial, educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement with respect to any company or product. and The Delano Max Wealth Institute makes no representations and specifically disclaims all warranties, express, implied or statutory, regarding the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose of any material contained in this site. You should seek the advice of a professional regarding your particular situation.
� 2005 and The Delano Max Wealth Institute, LLC.

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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The nearly unpopulated debt-free-state WalletDoctorBlog

Hi WalletDoctorBlog

I teach all of my students the incredible
tranquility of the debt-free-state. Debt
free is just incredible. You can wake up
in the morning knowing that your feet
don�t have to hit the floor running to
scramble up some green to feed the
mortgage monster for another 30 days.
When you are debt free you really can
settle down and relax and savor you
options instead of desperately seeking
solutions to monthly payments. You
really do need to think right now about
the life you really want. How much of your
time do you want to enjoy right now? You will
enjoy yourself much more �now� by becoming
debt free while investing in the long term
where you don�t have to frantically watch your
stock prices on a computer monitor all day.

Sit down and look at the income you make.
Total up all of the house payments, car payments,
and credit card payments that you make. For
most people this is over $1,500.00 per month.
Stop and think about what I am about to say.
If you were able to erase your mortgage, your
car loans, and your credit card debt you would
be giving your self a raise in this scenario of
$1,8000.00! Putting the maximum $4,000.00
contribution into your Roth IRA means that
you would still have $10,000 to have fun with.

Now here is the great part. You would be
able to have the same lifestyle you do now
living on $1,800.00 a month less. The U.S.
savings rate in 1980 was 10%. In August of
last year the U.S. Department of Commerce
reported that this had dropped to zero! Part
of this was attributed to an increase in home
values. But read what I have to say very
carefully. Home equity is an illusion because
it does not put food on your table like eliminating
your debt does! Californians are particularly
prone to wake up calls as the hottest real estate
bubble in state history began to cool off last year.
Alliance Title in the city of Redding reported
virtually zero closings for properties above
$500,000.00 to my family�s real estate brokerage in
the Cascade Mountains. This tells me as a financial
economist that home buyers are no longer willing to
pay inflated values so don�t look toward you home
equity as some sort of piggy bank.

The only way to eliminate your debt is to start
saving or save more. But most people don�t want
to sacrifice their overblown lifestyles today to
become more comfortable tomorrow. Most people
today are too hardheaded in there drive to show
people how financially successful they are. They
want to drive a new car, upgrade to a bigger house,
and put on �airs� of wealth. People who live like
this will never become wealthy stock investors
because they won�t get through the beginning
years when they either develop this debt free
habitual way. They will simply chain themselves
more and more to their own jail of debt (also
called leverage in finance). For this reason the
least populated state in the union is the debt Free

It blows my mind to observe so many people
actually attracted to leverage. Companies
like Ditech have been flooding the market with
cheesy advertising to dupe people into one of
the dumbest financial mistakes they can make;
taking out a second mortgage on their home!

I also observe people attracted into the
investment markets that emphasize �making
lots of money fast on debt.� Unfortunately
these same markets can make you lose lots of
money very, very fast. As a former futures
and futures options trader I am extremely
sensitive to leverage of any kind. I get really
annoyed by some of the financial "gurus" out
there that are teaching people to take out
seconds on their homes to invest in the
stock market through a Roth, etc. You should
be working to financial stability not showmanship.

Go here now to learn to put your money at work
where it really will build fast and much safer in
the long run stock market:


Ps. Tomorrow I will tell you 3 secrets to
getting your personal finances under control.

Double Ps. If you are too timid to post a question
on the forum (
then please e-mail me directly because I really am trying
to help you.

Triple Ps. If you want to get out of the big city
and move up to the mountains check out in the secluded and exclusive
misty mountain Fall River valley in Northern California.
A spectacular mountain view home with an indoor
heated pool just came available. The phone is
530-336-5411. Ask for my mom Barbara Galion.

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Monday, February 06, 2006

You are not a financial idiot WalletDoctorBlog!

Hi WalletDoctorBlog-

I know that you may have thought from the lesson I sent on Saturday that you might be in the financial idiot category. My whole point is that if you are subscribed to this e-zine then YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT A FINANCIAL IDIOT. A financial idiot is someone who completely refuses to accept responsibility for their poor financial decisions. For years in my twenties I blamed my financial failure on other people. I was a financial idiot but I eventually woke up to the fact that it was my own thinking that was the problem!

Let me give you an example. My wife and I have married family members from my side of the family that we have tried to counsel for years. The husband is not assertive and the wife feels as thought the world owes her something. What happens is that the wife makes stupid financial decision after stupid financial decision.

For instance they cashed-out their mortgage over time and became completely debt free; a state many people today would envy. She convinced her husband to take out a second mortgage on the home and they went on a trip to Disney World among other things. He temporarily lost his job a few months later and they went late on the �lets go party loan� they had just taken out on their home.

They came to us for help! Unfortunately it was the first time we knew about the situation. We lent them the money to bring the loan current under strict conditions that the wife resented. She was also a little hostile when we made her show us all of their income and expenses. We put them on a financial plan that we knew would make them wealthy. They were inconsistent in paying us back so we have never loaned them anything again.

That was about eight years ago. They are constantly backing themselves into the same situation every few years because they refuse to accept responsibility for their financial ignorance. In keeping the blame on someone or something else they keep themselves blind to their own reality. If the wife would forgive whatever it is that makes her think the world owes her something then the situation would be undone.

She would begin to wake up and learn. Unseen forces would come to her assistance and she would become the master of her money over time. This is why I know that anyone in the Wallet Doctor financial community is waking up or fully awake. If you have financial idiots dragging you down do not let them make you feel that you are responsible for bailing them out. Do not let them get to you through other family members either. When they wake up introduce them to the Wallet Doctor community. Here is the free CD link to get you started on the path to debt-free Shangri-La in the stock markets:


Ps. Here is the link to the Wallet Doctor Discussion Board. if you want advice on dealing with any financial idiots in your life post questions in the personal finance category and I will answer them. Don�t forget you have to hit the register button and register to get in if you are not already a member:

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

What did you ask me WalletDoctorBlog?

Look WalletDoctorBlog I really do answer your question on the Wallet Doctor discussion board. There are already a number of excellent postings. I know you have a question you want to ask about investing so go there now and post it and I will start a string with you:

Don�t forget you have to register to get in. You can set up an alias so that nobody knows who you really are if you want. When you register you pick your own alias and password.

Don�t lose your password because I don�t ever get to see it. If you lose it you will have to re-register again. Go here now with your questions:


Ps. I don�t answer specific how to questions regarding my Bulletproof Stock Investing course. You have to get my course to learn that to gain access to my private discussion board where we go into the nitty gritty of making your stock investing work for you. Here is the link to get information on my home study stock investing course:

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Where Gilda meets Bluesman WalletDoctorBlog

is a gem of financial wisdom: select your
partner carefully!

Hi WalletDoctorBlog-

A bit ago I told you how Gilda made Lenny.
Over the weekend I taught you Bluesman�s
a&*%#^! money concept. Well, what happens
when you put these two abundance lessons

What if Gilda were to remarry Bluesman?
Aside from the fact that you would have a
Jewish woman married to a Baptist southern
(a most interesting but not at all impossible
cultural combination since true love,
a close relative of true forgiveness really does
make everything possible) gent you would have
two bright financial minds working in harmony.
I actually had an Israeli friend who told me of
an Israeli Jewish woman married to a Palestinian
Muslim. They went through hell from both of
their families but true love and forgiveness pulled
them through. By the way I have Jewish friend
who is a judge who has a great saying; �the harder
I work, the luckier I get!� So true, so true!

My wife is a Puerto Rican Roman Catholic and I
am an Anglo Saxon Zen Buddhist. I don�t care
what the mix is if it is based on true love and forgiveness
it will work. I don�t care if it is an extra terrestrial/
feline marriage, like if E.T. married your house
cat, if it is based on these two principals it is gong
to fly high! How incredible would our world be
if all of us really tried to work together and to
love one another instead of focusing on differences
and looking out for number one!

What would happen in such a relationship where
both husband and wife set aside all differences and
work together to truly understand money?
They would become wealthier very, very fast?
Being in a relationship, especially, in a marriage
where one person is a financial idiot is like driving
with three flat tires on a car with the parking brake
on. Invariably, the partner with a very low level
of financial intelligence projects the blame
outside of their mind confounding the
communication and in the marriage as well
as any possible progress.

Financial idiots find all sorts of reasons for
their failures in handling the money they earn
as well as the money of others that they may
find themselves temporarily controlling. It is
absolutely impossible to engage in any kind of
coherent unified activity as a team with a financial
idiot. Just because you don�t know a lot about
money does not make you a financial idiot. I am
talking about people who are blind to their money
mistakes and refuse to change. The fact that you
are on my e-mail list indicates to me that YOU
are NOT a financial idiot EVEN if don�t know
much about money. If you are on my list then
you are actively learning and I take my hat off
to you and give you a deep reverent bow!

Financial idiots are people who absolutely refuse
to recognize that they are the cause of their
financial woes. These people are beyond all
hope and if you are in a relationship with one
the best you can do is truly forgive them, get
out of the relationship, and move on with your
life. If you don�t know much about money then
keep actively looking for ways to learn to get
better. Post questions for me to answer on the
Wallet Doctor Discussion Board, and get a
subscription to TIVO and record all of the Suze
Orman shows and watch her show religiously
with your partner.

Also, I teach you the basics of savings and
investing in the first part of my stock course.
Go here to get more information:



Ps. Invite your friends to join the Wallet Doctor
too! Send them this link

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Friday, February 03, 2006

I know my grammar stinks WalletDoctorBlog and

I know that you have noticed that I make some
pretty obvious grammar errors and probably a
few misspellings too. When I was a college
student I enjoyed math and science most.
When I found the field of finance, which is
really applied math to make money it became
my obsession. When it came to finance, science,
and math classes I was like a pig in slop!

In retrospect I really had a passion for investing
because it really is so hard to learn without a good
mentor. Spending hours staring at math formulas
doesn�t reinforce my English grammar ability.

Here is the deal. I hated my English classes.
As hard as I worked the professors gave me
mediocre grades. I could never figure out if
it was just because they envied my math/ science
ability or because I really sucked in English.
Finally one of my English professors leveled
with me that my English grades were mediocre
because I sucked as a writer. She told me that
if I would work real hard she pass me and let
me get on with my financial studies.

If you have gifted English grammar and writing
ability then I can�t tell you how much I admire
you. I work really hard at these messages I send
you and I still find errors. So please be patient
when you read my communications because
what I am trying to teach you is important
for you to get started on the right foot. For
instance the grammatically correct way to write
the most important rule of investing is: Buy low
and sell high! Alternatively, it would be just
plain bad English to write: Sell hi n� bi lo! But
in terms of finance the second sentence just also
correct as buy low and sell high! If you want to
learn the financial magic of sell hi n� bi lo
WalletDoctorBlog go here right now:


Ps. There are a lot of great questions and answer
on the Wallet Doctor Discussion Board. Here
is the link:

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Here is your key tip review WalletDoctorBlog

Let�s go over the key things that wealthy
people do differently WalletDoctorBlog that
I have covered in recent messages:

1) People with stable marriages go much,
much further financially. If you are
not married then sit down and get clear
on the person you want to marry.
Take the time to carefully write an essay
to yourself and then hide it somewhere.
This will allow your subconscious to guide
you. If you know that you are married
to the wrong person then get out and
take my advice to single folk I just
gave. If you know that you are
married to the right person then sit
down and work out all of your goals
together. There will be some give and
take at first but this will become less
and less over following years.

2) If one spouse has more free time than the
other be supportive of that spouses initial need
to learn to invest through home study courses
like my Bulletproof Stock Investing course.
Make sure you communicate regularly at
night after your day job(s) so that you
stay on track. Always remember that
consistent, planned, directed effort yields
the best results. When you are fearful or
angry practice true forgiveness to let it go.
Also give yourself permission to recognize
that you can�t possibly know all of the
answers and do not have to make decisions
alone. Follow your subconscious, Buddha
nature, or Holy Spirit or whatever it is that
you feel comfortable turning to but do it
daily as you find yourself in situations
calling for a decision. Our minds really
are connected and the very top investors
that I know tap into that �intuition�
by conscious choice.

Find fun ways to make supplemental
income the way my dear friend Bluesman
does. Find you�re a#@$%!# money
method that makes you what you want
that is also fun for you to do.

Don�t be in a hurry to get rich. Take the
time to invest in your education. If you
buy a course then make sure you take
the time to sit down and study it. I myself
get frustrated when people buy my course
and then don�t study it. Again, don�t rush.
Study one thing at a time and then
methodically apply it. It is much better to
be an expert at one powerful investing
technique than �Jack of all trades but
master of none.� Go here WalletDoctorBlog now to
start learning to invest in the stock market


Ps. I just posted an answer to a great Wallet Doctor
Discussion board question concerning when to sell
your stock. Go here to read it and don�t forget
that you will have to hit the register button if you are
not already registered on the Wallet Doctor Discussion

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