Friday, February 03, 2006

I know my grammar stinks WalletDoctorBlog and

I know that you have noticed that I make some
pretty obvious grammar errors and probably a
few misspellings too. When I was a college
student I enjoyed math and science most.
When I found the field of finance, which is
really applied math to make money it became
my obsession. When it came to finance, science,
and math classes I was like a pig in slop!

In retrospect I really had a passion for investing
because it really is so hard to learn without a good
mentor. Spending hours staring at math formulas
doesn�t reinforce my English grammar ability.

Here is the deal. I hated my English classes.
As hard as I worked the professors gave me
mediocre grades. I could never figure out if
it was just because they envied my math/ science
ability or because I really sucked in English.
Finally one of my English professors leveled
with me that my English grades were mediocre
because I sucked as a writer. She told me that
if I would work real hard she pass me and let
me get on with my financial studies.

If you have gifted English grammar and writing
ability then I can�t tell you how much I admire
you. I work really hard at these messages I send
you and I still find errors. So please be patient
when you read my communications because
what I am trying to teach you is important
for you to get started on the right foot. For
instance the grammatically correct way to write
the most important rule of investing is: Buy low
and sell high! Alternatively, it would be just
plain bad English to write: Sell hi n� bi lo! But
in terms of finance the second sentence just also
correct as buy low and sell high! If you want to
learn the financial magic of sell hi n� bi lo
WalletDoctorBlog go here right now:


Ps. There are a lot of great questions and answer
on the Wallet Doctor Discussion Board. Here
is the link:


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