Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The truth WalletDoctorBlog about my truck

Hi WalletDoctorBlog-

I am a pickup man and I ain�t bashful to admit it! There is no shame in saying so because I don�t have a wandering eye outside my marriage; the best way for a fool to destroy his or her finances and happiness in life at exactly the same time. I�ve been happily married for nearly fifteen years and I am a pickup man; a pickup truck man that is. You see I was raised working on a ranch and never had any use for car. I still get a thrill when I stick my hand out the window of my rig, a Ford Ranger, and lob an empty Coke can or taco wrapper into the bed of my truck!


I explained to you in the last message that when my wife and I paid of our car loans it was like getting a huge raise without beating up on the boss. My truck payment was alone was an additional $4,200 we were able to put into the stock market annually. Now here is the rest of the story�


One day, on the way to teach a university finance class a vehicle owned by a nationwide electrical company sideswiped my truck. The company paid me a $900 check for the damage. Instead of repairing unsightly banged up panel on my truck I put that money in my individual trading account and bought and sold stock with it. In 2003 alone that money was part of a wad that earned 78% in Caterpillar stock. If I get an average of 15% per year in the stock market on that money until I am 60 years old it will grow into $16,939.37. Since my truck cost me $13,000.00 those door dents are worth more than the truck!


Last year one of my students was asking me questions and followed me out to my truck. When he saw my truck he said, �Your truck is depressing!� I asked him why he would say such a thing. He said that since I am always teaching people how to make lots of money and telling them how good I am at stock investing that I should not be driving an old beat up pickup truck. He said that he did not believe in me any more because he knew that financially successful people drive nice, new, expensive vehicles. He was a bright student and I warned him that his focus on material externalities would doom him to poverty if he did not change his beliefs about money.


When you buy a car or pickup it looses 25% of its value as you drive it off of the lot. It then loses the other 75% of its value I a few years after that. For this reason we call vehicles �depreciating assets.� In other words they have value but are declining constantly in value. I found a way to turn my depreciating asset into an appreciating asset. Stop looking at the Jones driveway next door and learn why you are richer than you think you are by going here now:



Ps. I just posted an answer to a great Wallet Doctor Discussion board question concerning my opinion concerning ETFs. Go here to read it and don�t forget that you will have to hit the register button if you are not already registered on the Wallet Doctor Discussion board: http://walletdoctor.com/thedoctorisin

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