Friday, January 27, 2006

Two for the money WalletDoctorBlog

is one of the best movies I have seen all year
because it drives home my point of how any
feelings of low self esteem that you might
have can not only destroy you financial but
put you in a miserable dream state where you
miss all of the fun in life with the people who
love and care about you while you chase a pipe
dream of a future plush lifestyle that never come.
The end result is that if you live this way you
never live in the now. Our wisest mystics teach
us that neither the past nor the future is real but
the precious present moment is.
To be a great investor and joyful liver of
life you must learn how to �get into the now.�

In the movie after suffering a career-ending
injury, a former college football star played
by Matthew McConaughey aligns himself
with one of the most renown bookies, Al Pacino,
in the sports-gambling business who has a super
level headed wife played by Rene Russo. What
we learn part way into the movie is that Pacino�s
character is a reformed gambling addict.

There are a couple of scenes that are critical
to your investment education. The first scene
is when Pacino and McConaughey�s characters
attend a gambler�s anonymous meeting. Pacino�s
character explains that the reason that people
compulsively gamble is because they love to
lose! Think about this. Why do so many
undercapitalized desperate to get rich people
get attracted into high leverage capital markets
to seek out short term riches. Well pay attention
folks cause� here is how it is. The floor has all
the power in the short term!

That�s right, it is the local, the specialist, or the
floor broker who can hear the shouts of the crowd,
has been on the monitor everyday for years as a
job, has lived and breathed the short term futures,
options, and stock markets so much it is a part of
their unconscious psychology! That is what you
are up against in the short term. They can�t touch
you in the long term. In the long term all of the
industry folks who have all of the information have
no idea what will happen in the long term. If you
decide to learn how to understand the long term
stock price movements you will be in the driver�s
seat NOT them!

The second scene in the movie that is incredibly
powerful is when Rene Russo�s character, an
ex-junkie who unconditionally loves her husband
portrayed by Pacino puts what is really worthwhile
in this man�s life on the table. He can�t see what
is important in his life because he has not truly
forgiven whatever it is in his thoughts that make
him feel like a loser. Pacino�s character finally
learns true forgiveness and unravels the destructive
thinking that led to his financially disastrous financial
actions and you can see the family begin to heal.

Do you have and financially destructive beliefs
in your mind that cause you to make the same
bad financial decision over and over again?
I sure know that I used to and I am so much
happier now. There are true forgiveness
techniques that are largely a secret to the
general public that allow you to unwire your
bad system of thoughts and rewire your mind
in happy directions you really want to go.

One last thought. Did you know that your
mind is so powerful that you really do
receive whatever you request? If you think
you are worthy of health and financial
prosperity then your mind will give it to
you on a silver platter. If you think you
deserve sickness and financial disaster
than your mind will also hand that right
up to you on a stick just as easily. You decide
what you want and even if something else come
out of your mouth and what you want, deep
inside your mind hidden from public view, is
what you get.

Go here now and take you first step towards
turning the financial tide in your life:

Decide, live now, and prosper!


Ps. The movie Boiler Room with Ben Affleck
is another great
one for these kinds of insights!

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