Wednesday, January 25, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog Do I have to buy the book?

Good Morning WalletDoctorBlog;

This is what my students asked me in my
futures and options course that I teach at the
University of Puerto Rico and is the same thing
I was asked when I taught classes at the
University of South Carolina as a finance
Ph.D. student. Textbooks are very expensive
these days, normally in excess of a hundred

Students freak out when they enter the
university system and find out how much
text books cost and I understand that. What
really concerns me is that the lazy, slothful,
�I�ll just sit here while you do everything for
me attitude� I am seeing in many (not all thank
God) university students today. By the way,
the students love me because I don�t attack
them for this attitude. I forgive them and then
do whatever I can to make them better prepared
in they area of finance. I always get the highest
student evaluations in the department because
I am a strict but gently mentor.
I was talking to my brother Todd the other day
about how hard it is to get a good high school
student out of school because of the �not one
student left behind� c%$p that the government
promotes today. My attitude is that if the student
does not want to invest in the tools they need
or do the work that they should be allowed to
leave the system and do what they want.
Dragging a kid through the school system that
might otherwise find their genius as a craftsman
in a highly skilled trade is an enormous loss to
our society. I would like to see craftsman valued
for the incredibly valuable specialist that they
really. Also, I want to see trade schools supported
and promoted better instead of strengthening
the current school system that jackhammers
the right peg into the wrong hole!
I know many a carpentry, for instance, that
got a degree in English because they were
forced through the university system by their
parents. When the got out and couldn�t get a
job in English they found their passion in home
building. I see an awful lot of shoddy construction
in home building today (I am an experienced
real estate investor) because trade specialization
is ignored in the United States today. It has
gotten so bad that people actually buy doctorate
degrees through diploma mill universities (so
be careful which �expert� you learn from).
I get a lot of students that are in college today
because their parents insist that they go. And
surprise, surprise they are mediocre because
they don�t want to be there. Geez, figure that!
What these parents don�t understand is that
as a Ph.D. holding university professor I don�t
report to some PTA. If the student fails in my
class for being lazy, they just fail and it doesn�t
matter how much a parent huffs and puffs the
case is closed.
The reason that I created my home study
stock investing course �Bulletproof Stock
Investing� is that I really love teaching adults
how know what they want to learn and recognize
that a course is an investment in their future.
Many college students these days look at the
cost of a course in terms of tuition and texts
as a burden on their weekend booze and
schmooze budget. I really enjoy interacting
with adults that REALLY want to learn how
to invest.
My whole point here is that your investing
education is an investment itself. When
you learn to invest in the stock market
please take it seriously and set aside a little
time each evening to study hard and learn
and you will become a success. Go here
now to take a first step:

I am ready when you are,


Ps. Tomorrow I will tell you about Gilda
who made her Ophthalmologist husband
fantastically wealthy from the stock market!

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