Sunday, December 31, 2006

>>>START HERE>>> How to completely control your finances 2007 and beyond!

You are expected to be a specialized part of our
economy and your company should look out for
you in helping you manage your retirement but
today all the focus is on the top executives.

The message coming out of corporate America today
is that the top executive is important and you are

The 401(K) was just a clever way for corporations
to get off the hook of managing your pension so that
the top executives could suck more cash out of the firm!

Of course Congress approved because the top
executives write all the checks for the political campaigns.

The funny (bad funny) part is that the money for
the checks the top executive insiders write comes
from investing shareholders NOT the executives!

Things have really changed since the 1950s!

I am constantly approached by smart people
who provide important specialized services to
our economy but don’t know how to start stock
investing… and really want to!

Are you in the situation where you want to invest
in the stock market but don’t know how to start?

I created, “The Wallet Doctor’s ABCs of Stock Investing...
how to get it right from the start!” help you know
EXACTLY what you need to do to make your money

If you don’t know a single thing about the stock
market then this course is just for you!

If you don’t know how to open an online account
or which accounts are best then this course is just for you!

If you don’t know how to buy and sell stocks
and mutual funds by yourself than this course is just for you!

Also, I show you how to organize your finances
around my revolutionary ratio approach:

The Wallet Doctor Financial Fitness Ratios™

You will no longer have to bicker over money with your
significant other!

You will each have your own money and know
what you can have fun with without sinking your boat.

You won’t have to penny pinch either.

In this course I show you how to organize your
finances so that you:
1. Radically reduce your risk of bankruptcy!
2. Have money for the fun things in life!
3. Know just how much you can and must save
and invest to become wealthy while you are having
fun in the decades to come!

You will learn to dominate your finances and
steer yourself toward financial success by applying
simple to learn and easy to apply concepts.

At the end of the course you will know much
more about organizing your family finances
than my finance students do when the graduate.


Because much of what I teach you is not
in the traditional academic finance curriculum I am
trained and obligated to teach as a professor
and doctor of finance!

If you don’t know anything about the stock
market but know you should be doing
something in it then go here now:

I am a professor of investing at the major university
in the Caribbean: The University of Puerto Rico.

I teach undergraduates, MBA and doctoral students
AND I have extensive investing experience.

It is my training to teach you how to get ahead in
today’s financial world!

I look forward to being your first trusted guide
through the Wall Street jungle!

Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D.
“The Wallet Doctor”

Ps. Check out the book and course bundle and learn to
not worry about a prosperous New Year by putting
yourself on track for a prosperous New Decade!

The Wallet Doctor
5190 Neil Road, Suite 430
Reno, NV 89502
(800) 540-8359 Ext. 1


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Just posted Part 3 of 4 - The Wallet Doctor Interviews Wayne Hoff: Keeping, Enjoying, and Passing On Your Hard-Earned Financial Wealth!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

I am pleased to announced that we are accepting enrollment for our basic stock investing class!


Friday, December 22, 2006

IMPORTANT: Christmas, forgiveness, and hope...

I have been thinking of a heartfelt message for
you as we near Christmas Eve.

What I would say to you if we were face to face.

Here is what I want you to know.

Christmas is a symbol of hope in this chaotic and
ever changing world.

This includes financial hope.

I don’t know your situation but I have been
through many.

Have you been financially devastated from bad
decisions in your family in the past?

There is hope through sound financial education.

Are you making so much money that you literally
don’t know what to do with it?

There is hope through sound financial education.

Have a merry Christmas and remember that
whatever your situation is there is hope!

Let this be the season that you finally say,
“enough is enough” and begin taking the reins
of your financial sleigh into your own hands!

All pain and suffering in your life, including
financial, can be released through a special
form of applied forgiveness!

Not the kind that says, “if you behave the
way I want then I forgive you.”

This is called conditional forgiveness and it
doesn’t do you or anybody any good.

This special form of forgiveness heals your
pain irregardless of what the world seems to
be doing to you.

This special forgiveness pulls the cobwebs out
of your eyes so that you can see clearly.

In a 1000 years will any of your hates and
grievances matter?

Here is my gift to you:

1. Close your eyes right now and think of a
person, thing, place, or situation that upsets you.
2. Think to your self, “you are not permanent
and I can forgive you!”
3. After you say this to whatever you are
forgiving release them or it into a white light
in your mind’s eye.

You may feel immediate relief or it may take
a while…

But you will have already taken a significant
step in improving your life!

Have a merrily reflective Christmas and a
financially transformational New Year!

I really do wish you the best!

Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D.
The Wallet Doctor

The Wallet Doctor
5190 Neil Road, Suite 430
Reno, NV 89502
(800) 540-8359 Ext. 1


Thursday, December 21, 2006


Hi Scott
Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with me on Tues. I ordered your book today. I can't wait to read it. Is Jan the only time your ABC's of investing class begins? Is it possible to read through your book to see if the stock market game is something I am interested in? Or I may have to look for a different money game I am interested in--like owning a business/ buying real estate, etc. My concern--I have been listening to "the Warren Buffet Way" audio book. So far, it is a little boring to me. I know I want to learn more about what to do with my money and how to manage it, protect, it, and make it grow. I am not sure analyzing the market is what I will like. What do you think?



That's why I give you strategy that don't require that you analyze the market... except at the end of extended bull runs and even then I don't want you to do it the "usual" way. It is imperative that you gain control of your finance through an online account in which you can employ a number of simple yet powerful strategies that do not require analysis.

The ABC class is open each month so don't worry and is geared to get you comfortable managing an online trading account. I don't teach analysis in the ABC class. Analysis is for the advanced course and is NOT for everyone! :-)

I recommend that you read my book once or twice over the holiday's and then go back and read the book (supposedly) about Warren Buffet. The Warren Buffet Way will not be boring once you have the necessary concepts and definitions in place in your mind!

Even if you engage in another "money game" you must have a solid understanding of simple, passive strategies like non-indexed, no-load, non-managed mutual funds in a Roth IRA or individual trading account! You just put it in place and ignore it until the after the market makes a long extended upward run!

The Wallet Doctor

The Wallet Doctor's Survival Guide to the Stock Market... how to prosper in the Wall Street jungle!

Part 2 of 4 - The Wallet Doctor Interviews Wayne Hoff: Keeping, Enjoying, and Passing On Your Hard-Earned Financial Wealth! Is posted so be there or be square!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Your submission to Digital Podcast has been approved

Podcast ID : 15700
Title : The Wallet Doctor's Survival Guide to the Stock Market... how to prosper in the Wall Street jungle!
Url :
Description : Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D., a.k.a. “The Wallet Doctor”, is a national expert on stock investing and finance who holds a Ph.D. in Finance and is a professor of finance. The Wallet Doctor explores specific issues of the stock market that you must understand to succeed. Scott also interviews a wide range of experts ranging from asset protection, estate planning, business planning, risk management, insurance, investment psychology, 401(K) optimization, multiple streams of income, the power of subconscious belief, and family financial management. Order my 320 page book on stock investing at
Category : Business and Finance
Contact name: Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D.
Email :

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Wallet Doctor blogs are up!

I am pleased to announce that my blogs are
up and running.

I created two for you.

The first deals with general financial issues.

The other deals with specific investing issues:

Whenever you email an investing or finance related
question I will post it on:


Any time I send out a general broadcast email
I will also post it on:

If for any reason you stop receiving my broadcast
e-mails just go to the blog to see what is going on:

Make sure you bookmark these blogs that are vital
to your financial success!


Ps. When you get a chance would you please go
vote 5 stars on my most recent pod-cast listing at:
This will help drive our community up to the top
of the search engines!

The Wallet Doctor
5190 Neil Road, Suite 430
Reno, NV 89502
(800) 540-8359 Ext. 1


Friday, December 15, 2006

Thank you for Submitting your Podcast to
We are emailing you to inform you that your podcast has been approved and added to the Podcast Directory.

Access your listed podcast by clicking on the link below:

The Wallet Doctor podcast is up!

By popular demand I have created an investing
and financial health podcast for you.

In the Wallet Doctor podcast I explore issues vital
to your finances.

A new episode will be posted every Tuesday night
for you to listen to on your way to work on Wednesdays.

I also interview renowned experts in different
areas you may not initial think of that are also
vital to your financial success.

Help get the word out and let your friends know
about this valuable podcast.

Also, make sure that you give it a great rating so
that we can push it up to the top of the search engines!

The Wallet Doctor is your family financial
health community and it is a lot of fun as well
as an honor to make it with you,

Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D.
"The Wallet Doctor"

The Wallet Doctor
5190 Neil Road, Suite 430
Reno, NV 89502
(800) 540-8359 Ext. 1