IMPORTANT: Christmas, forgiveness, and hope...
I have been thinking of a heartfelt message for
you as we near Christmas Eve.
What I would say to you if we were face to face.
Here is what I want you to know.
Christmas is a symbol of hope in this chaotic and
ever changing world.
This includes financial hope.
I don’t know your situation but I have been
through many.
Have you been financially devastated from bad
decisions in your family in the past?
There is hope through sound financial education.
Are you making so much money that you literally
don’t know what to do with it?
There is hope through sound financial education.
Have a merry Christmas and remember that
whatever your situation is there is hope!
Let this be the season that you finally say,
“enough is enough” and begin taking the reins
of your financial sleigh into your own hands!
All pain and suffering in your life, including
financial, can be released through a special
form of applied forgiveness!
Not the kind that says, “if you behave the
way I want then I forgive you.”
This is called conditional forgiveness and it
doesn’t do you or anybody any good.
This special form of forgiveness heals your
pain irregardless of what the world seems to
be doing to you.
This special forgiveness pulls the cobwebs out
of your eyes so that you can see clearly.
In a 1000 years will any of your hates and
grievances matter?
Here is my gift to you:
1. Close your eyes right now and think of a
person, thing, place, or situation that upsets you.
2. Think to your self, “you are not permanent
and I can forgive you!”
3. After you say this to whatever you are
forgiving release them or it into a white light
in your mind’s eye.
You may feel immediate relief or it may take
a while…
But you will have already taken a significant
step in improving your life!
Have a merrily reflective Christmas and a
financially transformational New Year!
I really do wish you the best!
Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D.
The Wallet Doctor
The Wallet Doctor
5190 Neil Road, Suite 430
Reno, NV 89502
(800) 540-8359 Ext. 1
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