Tuesday, January 31, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog How I turned my old pickup truck into gold

Hi WalletDoctorBlog-

I am a pickup man and I ain�t bashful to admit it!
There is no shame in saying so because I don�t
have a wandering eye outside my marriage; the
best way for a fool to destroy his or her finances
and happiness in life at exactly the same time.
I�ve been happily married for nearly fifteen years
and I am a pickup man; a pickup truck man that is.
You see I was raised working on a ranch and never
had any use for car. I still get a thrill when I stick my
hand out the window of my rig, a Ford Ranger, and
lob an empty Coke can or taco wrapper into the
bed of my truck!


I explained to you in the last message that when my
wife and I paid of our car loans it was like getting a
huge raise without beating up on the boss. My truck
payment was alone was an additional $4,200 we were
able to put into the stock market annually. Now here
is the rest of the story�


One day, on the way to teach a university finance
class a vehicle owned by a nationwide electrical
company sideswiped my truck. The company paid
me a $900 check for the damage. Instead of repairing
unsightly banged up panel on my truck I put that money
in my individual trading account and bought and sold
stock with it. In 2003 alone that money was part of a
wad that earned 78% in Caterpillar stock. If I get an
average of 15% per year in the stock market on that
money until I am 60 years old it will grow into $16,939.37.
Since my truck cost me $13,000.00 those door dents
are worth more than the truck!


Last year one of my students was asking me questions
and followed me out to my truck. When he saw my truck
he said, �Your truck is depressing!� I asked him why
he would say such a thing. He said that since I am
always teaching people how to make lots of money
and telling them how good I am at stock investing
that I should not be driving an old beat up pickup truck.
He said that he did not believe in me any more because
he knew that financially successful people drive nice,
new, expensive vehicles. He was a bright student and
I warned him that his focus on material externalities
would doom him to poverty if he did not change his
beliefs about money.


When you buy a car or pickup it looses 25% of its
value as you drive it off of the lot. It then loses the
other 75% of its value I a few years after that. For
this reason we call vehicles �depreciating assets.�
In other words they have value but are declining
constantly in value. I found a way to turn my
depreciating asset into an appreciating asset. Stop
looking at the Jones driveway next door and learn
why you are richer than you think you are by going
here now:



Ps. I just posted an answer to a great Wallet Doctor
Discussion board question concerning my opinion
concerning ETFs. Go here to read it and don�t forget
that you will have to hit the register button if you are
not already registered on the Wallet Doctor Discussion
board: http://walletdoctor.com/thedoctorisin

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

The truth WalletDoctorBlog about my truck

Hi WalletDoctorBlog-

I am a pickup man and I ain�t bashful to admit it! There is no shame in saying so because I don�t have a wandering eye outside my marriage; the best way for a fool to destroy his or her finances and happiness in life at exactly the same time. I�ve been happily married for nearly fifteen years and I am a pickup man; a pickup truck man that is. You see I was raised working on a ranch and never had any use for car. I still get a thrill when I stick my hand out the window of my rig, a Ford Ranger, and lob an empty Coke can or taco wrapper into the bed of my truck!


I explained to you in the last message that when my wife and I paid of our car loans it was like getting a huge raise without beating up on the boss. My truck payment was alone was an additional $4,200 we were able to put into the stock market annually. Now here is the rest of the story�


One day, on the way to teach a university finance class a vehicle owned by a nationwide electrical company sideswiped my truck. The company paid me a $900 check for the damage. Instead of repairing unsightly banged up panel on my truck I put that money in my individual trading account and bought and sold stock with it. In 2003 alone that money was part of a wad that earned 78% in Caterpillar stock. If I get an average of 15% per year in the stock market on that money until I am 60 years old it will grow into $16,939.37. Since my truck cost me $13,000.00 those door dents are worth more than the truck!


Last year one of my students was asking me questions and followed me out to my truck. When he saw my truck he said, �Your truck is depressing!� I asked him why he would say such a thing. He said that since I am always teaching people how to make lots of money and telling them how good I am at stock investing that I should not be driving an old beat up pickup truck. He said that he did not believe in me any more because he knew that financially successful people drive nice, new, expensive vehicles. He was a bright student and I warned him that his focus on material externalities would doom him to poverty if he did not change his beliefs about money.


When you buy a car or pickup it looses 25% of its value as you drive it off of the lot. It then loses the other 75% of its value I a few years after that. For this reason we call vehicles �depreciating assets.� In other words they have value but are declining constantly in value. I found a way to turn my depreciating asset into an appreciating asset. Stop looking at the Jones driveway next door and learn why you are richer than you think you are by going here now:



Ps. I just posted an answer to a great Wallet Doctor Discussion board question concerning my opinion concerning ETFs. Go here to read it and don�t forget that you will have to hit the register button if you are not already registered on the Wallet Doctor Discussion board: http://walletdoctor.com/thedoctorisin

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Not a care in the world WalletDoctorBlog

Hello WalletDoctorBlog-

My wife and I are not super rich but we are
debt free. We became debt free because we
made it a part of our Definite Major Purpose
as a married couple. You will learn about
creating a Definite Major Purpose in your
life in an upcoming e-mail. A Definite Major
Purpose is really a positive affirmation on
steroids and it has the power to transform
your life over coming years.


What I want you to understand is that I
never teach you some sort of theory I have
not already applied in my life. I am one of
the very few Ph.D. holding professors of
finance that actually �walks� then �talks.�
I became intrigued with wondering what it
would feel like to be completely debt free.
What would it feel like to have no mortgage?
Or at least so little mortgage balance that
with a few guaranteed fixed income debt
securities in place that effectively the mortgage
is paid off? What would it feel like to have no
car payments? What would it feel like to have
zero balances on all of your credit cards?
It is very important for you to close your eyes
right now and imagine this before you read on.


Well, my wife and I achieved this state a few
years ago. There were a couple of things that
helped us out. First, when we got married
almost fifteen years ago we bought a modestly
priced condominium in an upscale San Juan
community here on the island of Puerto Rico.
I had moved to Puerto Rico because I hate the
cold and never have to wear long pants here
unless I have to. Because of this decision we
have enjoyed a relatively low monthly mortgage
payment. When we were able to save more we
started accelerating the mortgage payment
(I will try to remember to tell you how to do
this in an upcoming message but e-mail me
if I forget). Now the mortgage balance is just
a fraction of the original.


How were we able to save money initially?
When our two car loans were finally paid off
we took the nearly $700.00 we had gotten
used to paying anyway and simply began
saving and investing it. We both have 15
year old cars now but we laugh all the way
to the bank. We laugh because people that
know what an upscale community we live
in think we should drive Mercedes Benz cars.
Furthermore when people make comments
like this to us it just tells us how low their
financial intelligence really is.


This was a lot of money that we were suddenly
saving so we also opened Roth IRAs for
each of us and the rest is history. Over the
ensuing years since I learned how to buy
stock low in a very special way and that
monthly savings has just collected and
collected. We have so much money in our
savings and retirement strategy now that we
could easily pay off what is left on the mortgage
and buy new cars. In other words we are
some of the very few people you know who
really are debt free!!!


You may wonder what it feels like to be debt
free. I know I did. Well every morning when
up I get I work on what I want to NOT what
I have to. Part of the reason that I got a Ph.D.
in finance is that I am a natural born teacher;
it is just what I love to do. I get huge
satisfaction when people tell me I have taught
them things in finance they never would have
figured out or didn�t understand because they
were poorly taught before. Debt free has been
a key psychological shift I have noticed that both
my wife and I have experienced. We just
don�t worry about money like we used to.
This clear vision has given us the ability to
enjoy things other families just can�t that
are trying to pay off a large 30 year mortgage
and two fancy cars. Families that have high
income but no savings and investment plan
as they strive to keep up with the Jones�.
Take your first step right now to do what
I have already done. I can teach you how
if you go here now:



Ps. Apply what I teach you in these e-mails
and your financial health WILL improve!

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog here�s an a$@^#!* money opportunity

Hi WalletDoctorBlog-

I told you yesterday how my buddy Bluesman financed his successful investing strategy using what he call his a$@^#!* money he makes cleaning swimming pools. On Friday I was made aware of an opportunity to learn how to make money on e-bay AND enjoy a Caribbean cruise.


I found out about this last minute so I have not had time to thoroughly check out the qualifications of the course instructors. Frankly, I don�t know them but I do know the promoter Michael Ruge who is a colleague in a group of internet marketers that I am a part of. I encourage you to conduct your own research and due diligence but it seems to me that even if the e-bay course doesn�t teach you anything you get to cruise around a bunch of tropical paradises. Sounds pretty win-win to me. Here is the link:


Again, if you are just making ends meet financially and find it hard to have extra money to invest in the stock market long term then I strongly encourage you to actively seek a$@^#!* money opportunities that allow you to leverage your free time in such a way that you have fun and make the extra income you need to have the investment savings to become a successful stock investor. Every so often I will e-mail potential a$@^#!* money opportunities as I come across them. Go here now to check this one out,



Ps. once you make your a$@^#!* money you need to know where to invest it so make sure you get my course. Here is the link for my free CD that also gives you a special price on the course that won�t last for long:


If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog what the heck is Bluesman�s a$@^#!* money?

Hi WalletDoctorBlog-

One of my very most enjoyable friendships is
with a hard working Southern redneck that I
will call �Bluesman� to keep his identity
anonymous. As you all know I have extensive
experience as a real estate investor. During
my Ph.D. in finance I used my heightened
money sense to sniff out great deals to acquire
homes from people who had mismanaged
their finances. Basically, I would have them
give me the deed to their home and I made
their payments. I am such a stickler for good
financial management and that was the only
reason many of these people were able to later
buy another house because they did not have to
go into foreclosure. My timely payments pumped
up their cruddy FICO scores. I personally built up
their credit again. Don�t think I was running around
stealing houses it�s just that I never paid money for
any of them; I paid with my brain power.
Of course, I kept all of the equity in the
house plus any extra cash flow above the
cost of servicing the loan after I put
someone in the house on a rent to own basis.
This wasn�t the only flavor of deal I did but
it was my specialty.


Anyway, as a graduate student I would
basically gypsy my way from house to
house in my rental portfolio during the five
years it took me to complete my Ph.D.
Yup, other graduate students were paying
rent and I was using a bevy of renters to
pay my lifestyle living in my nice houses
in nice neighborhoods; understanding high
finance the way I teach you is a great thing!


Well one day I moved into one of my larger
and nicer houses because it went vacant and
someone wanted to rent one of my other
houses I was living in. Well, the day I moved
in I was driving out and noticed my neighbor
straight across the street. I stopped and said,
�howdy new neighbor!� He stopped and
looked at me, smiled, and in a thick southern
accent said, �howdy back at yah, what�s your
handle?� His southern redneck accent is so
thick my Puerto Rican wife still to this day
cannot understand a word he says. She nods
and smiles like she understands when we all
go to dinner (or supper). I told him my name
and asked him his. He told me his name, told
me he used to be a blues musician and said,
�my friends call me, Bluesman!�


Well, �Bluesman� became about the only
bastion of sane thinking during the intensely
stressful period of my life when I was
completing my Ph.D. Due to circumstance
I had to do the entire Ph.D. temporarily
separated from my wife by circumstances
as she cared for her aging parents, so I could
get real mean and crazy around the department.
You can only imagine how many friends
I had as a graduate student; I still hadn�t
learned the secret technique to achieve true
forgiveness that I understand today so well.
I studied and worked on my dissertation 24/7
and I am not exaggerating because it was the
only way I was going to get back to my wife!


Bluesman would come over and invite me
out to the local Sushi bar when he was afraid
I might pop my cork from over work and go
on some psycho spree (yes a Ph.D. in finance
really is that difficult!). One day we were on
the way to the local Sushi bar and he stopped
at a nice house. He told me he had to clean
the pool. I was puzzled because I new Bluesman
was a highly successful plant technician making
a high salary as an employee a fortune 500
corporation. I said, �what are you doing this
for?� He said, �I am making my a$@^#!*
money!� �What the heck is a$@^#!*
money?�, I replied.

He told me that he started years ago
cleaning swimming pools to increase his
retirement savings and investing beyond
and above his 401(k). A lot of his clients
have homes in the middle-upper class range.
They have now idea that, when he drives
out in his pickup truck and hops out in
his leather Nascar fan jacket that, he lives
in just as nice a home as they do. He told
me that one day he was cleaning a pool and
overheard a man telling his son in a low
voice, as they were sitting poolside at an
umbrella-table watching Bluesman clean
the pool, that if the guy�s kid didn�t work
hard in school he would �end up cleaning
pools just like that a$@^#!* over there!�
Bluesman was very polite in collecting the
bill. He went on to tell me that he laughed
all the way to the bank because all these years
he had used his a$@^#!* money to invest in
commercial real estate his pool cleaning
clients never had the spare cash to buy as
they kept up with the Joneses.


Now that Bluesman is getting close to
retirement he subscribes to Overseas Living
Magazine because all those off-hours extra
a$@^#!* money that he earned has multiplied
many times over from appreciation and cash
flow off of his investment properties. Right
now he spends his vacation time shopping
around in Brazil for a vacation house to live
down on the beach during the cold months.
Just the cash flow off of his rental property
is enough to pay his lifestyle sipping cocktails
and staring up at the Southern Cross in the night
sky as the waves lap the beach gently and a fresh
breeze stirs the palm trees. I know that when
he retires he will be grinning as he thinks back
on those pretentious clients who treated him
like an idiot. He will be grinning because
they still won�t have made enough on their
investments to retire to the southern hemisphere.
You can take the first step to putting yourself
in the financial driver�s seat just as Bluesman
has go here now:



Ps. I just found out about a potentially great
way to make your own a$@^#!* money in
the comfort off your house. I will tell you
more tomorrow but if you want to find out
now go here:


If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Two for the money WalletDoctorBlog

is one of the best movies I have seen all year
because it drives home my point of how any
feelings of low self esteem that you might
have can not only destroy you financial but
put you in a miserable dream state where you
miss all of the fun in life with the people who
love and care about you while you chase a pipe
dream of a future plush lifestyle that never come.
The end result is that if you live this way you
never live in the now. Our wisest mystics teach
us that neither the past nor the future is real but
the precious present moment is.
To be a great investor and joyful liver of
life you must learn how to �get into the now.�


In the movie after suffering a career-ending
injury, a former college football star played
by Matthew McConaughey aligns himself
with one of the most renown bookies, Al Pacino,
in the sports-gambling business who has a super
level headed wife played by Rene Russo. What
we learn part way into the movie is that Pacino�s
character is a reformed gambling addict.


There are a couple of scenes that are critical
to your investment education. The first scene
is when Pacino and McConaughey�s characters
attend a gambler�s anonymous meeting. Pacino�s
character explains that the reason that people
compulsively gamble is because they love to
lose! Think about this. Why do so many
undercapitalized desperate to get rich people
get attracted into high leverage capital markets
to seek out short term riches. Well pay attention
folks cause� here is how it is. The floor has all
the power in the short term!


That�s right, it is the local, the specialist, or the
floor broker who can hear the shouts of the crowd,
has been on the monitor everyday for years as a
job, has lived and breathed the short term futures,
options, and stock markets so much it is a part of
their unconscious psychology! That is what you
are up against in the short term. They can�t touch
you in the long term. In the long term all of the
industry folks who have all of the information have
no idea what will happen in the long term. If you
decide to learn how to understand the long term
stock price movements you will be in the driver�s
seat NOT them!


The second scene in the movie that is incredibly
powerful is when Rene Russo�s character, an
ex-junkie who unconditionally loves her husband
portrayed by Pacino puts what is really worthwhile
in this man�s life on the table. He can�t see what
is important in his life because he has not truly
forgiven whatever it is in his thoughts that make
him feel like a loser. Pacino�s character finally
learns true forgiveness and unravels the destructive
thinking that led to his financially disastrous financial
actions and you can see the family begin to heal.


Do you have and financially destructive beliefs
in your mind that cause you to make the same
bad financial decision over and over again?
I sure know that I used to and I am so much
happier now. There are true forgiveness
techniques that are largely a secret to the
general public that allow you to unwire your
bad system of thoughts and rewire your mind
in happy directions you really want to go.


One last thought. Did you know that your
mind is so powerful that you really do
receive whatever you request? If you think
you are worthy of health and financial
prosperity then your mind will give it to
you on a silver platter. If you think you
deserve sickness and financial disaster
than your mind will also hand that right
up to you on a stick just as easily. You decide
what you want and even if something else come
out of your mouth and what you want, deep
inside your mind hidden from public view, is
what you get.

Go here now and take you first step towards
turning the financial tide in your life:


Decide, live now, and prosper!


Ps. The movie Boiler Room with Ben Affleck
is another great
one for these kinds of insights!

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog how Gilda made Lenny�

Hi WalletDoctorBlog

My father was a prominent optometrist in Northern California before he died when I was 19. I had the opportunity to work as a high school student with a dear friend of his, a practicing ophthalmologist in Southern California named Lenny.


Lenny and I became close friends and I was always in awe with the vast wealth that Lenny had attained. Lenny was very bitter about his divorce from his wife Gilda and since I was friends with Lenny I got an earful. Lenny was particularly bitter about the very large and luxurious house Gilda lived in that he felt that he had been forced to pay for. One day I made a comment near Lenny�s receptionist who spun around and scolded me severely.


She said, �Lenny is dumb as a rock when it comes to money and it was Gilda that made Lenny rich.� She went on to explain to me that Gilda became bored after the kids went to school as a housewife. She started watching the financial TV news and began reading books about investing in the stock market.


Then she took that enormous step that I want you to take. After she thoroughly educated herself she opened a trading account and started trading. Lenny made good money in his practice but not enough to get fantastically rich on. Gilda took the money and started investing it in the stock market and made Lenny�s good money into super-rich money in a short decade. They turned out to be a powerful financial team. Imagine what they could have achieved if they also knew how to maintain a solid marriage.

Take that first step, go here now, and get my free CD;


Let�s take it to the next level,


If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog Do I have to buy the book?

Good Morning WalletDoctorBlog;

This is what my students asked me in my
futures and options course that I teach at the
University of Puerto Rico and is the same thing
I was asked when I taught classes at the
University of South Carolina as a finance
Ph.D. student. Textbooks are very expensive
these days, normally in excess of a hundred


Students freak out when they enter the
university system and find out how much
text books cost and I understand that. What
really concerns me is that the lazy, slothful,
�I�ll just sit here while you do everything for
me attitude� I am seeing in many (not all thank
God) university students today. By the way,
the students love me because I don�t attack
them for this attitude. I forgive them and then
do whatever I can to make them better prepared
in they area of finance. I always get the highest
student evaluations in the department because
I am a strict but gently mentor.

I was talking to my brother Todd the other day
about how hard it is to get a good high school
student out of school because of the �not one
student left behind� c%$p that the government
promotes today. My attitude is that if the student
does not want to invest in the tools they need
or do the work that they should be allowed to
leave the system and do what they want.
Dragging a kid through the school system that
might otherwise find their genius as a craftsman
in a highly skilled trade is an enormous loss to
our society. I would like to see craftsman valued
for the incredibly valuable specialist that they
really. Also, I want to see trade schools supported
and promoted better instead of strengthening
the current school system that jackhammers
the right peg into the wrong hole!

I know many a carpentry, for instance, that
got a degree in English because they were
forced through the university system by their
parents. When the got out and couldn�t get a
job in English they found their passion in home
building. I see an awful lot of shoddy construction
in home building today (I am an experienced
real estate investor) because trade specialization
is ignored in the United States today. It has
gotten so bad that people actually buy doctorate
degrees through diploma mill universities (so
be careful which �expert� you learn from).

I get a lot of students that are in college today
because their parents insist that they go. And
surprise, surprise they are mediocre because
they don�t want to be there. Geez, figure that!
What these parents don�t understand is that
as a Ph.D. holding university professor I don�t
report to some PTA. If the student fails in my
class for being lazy, they just fail and it doesn�t
matter how much a parent huffs and puffs the
case is closed.

The reason that I created my home study
stock investing course �Bulletproof Stock
Investing� is that I really love teaching adults
how know what they want to learn and recognize
that a course is an investment in their future.
Many college students these days look at the
cost of a course in terms of tuition and texts
as a burden on their weekend booze and
schmooze budget. I really enjoy interacting
with adults that REALLY want to learn how
to invest.

My whole point here is that your investing
education is an investment itself. When
you learn to invest in the stock market
please take it seriously and set aside a little
time each evening to study hard and learn
and you will become a success. Go here
now to take a first step:


I am ready when you are,


Ps. Tomorrow I will tell you about Gilda
who made her Ophthalmologist husband
fantastically wealthy from the stock market!

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Don�t feel sorry for me WalletDoctorBlog

Hi WalletDoctorBlog

I have become friends with many of you
who have subscribed to the Wallet Doctor
because I have decided to send more
messages to help guide you down the path
to become a solid long-term stock investor.
I received an e-mail from you yesterday
expressing that you feel sorry for me
because I had such a bad time. I can�t
tell you how good it makes me feel to
know that you are concerned for my
financial welfare.


The truth is that the very hard knocks
that I went through in the beginning as
a derivatives trader have made me a very
competent long-term stock investor today
with bedrock solid personal finances today.
It really is true that there is a silver lining in
every difficulty, conflict, or tragedy in our life
if we will just apply the healing power of
forgiveness and then look deep into the
situation for our precious learning lesson
waiting for us to learn from if we decide.


The point that I was making with yesterdays
e-mail is that when I started investing I was
like most people. I was facing two major
problems without realizing it in that (1)
I did not have a successful mentor to guide
me along the path and (2) I was attracted
to the markets by fear and optimism
unbalanced with expert experience and
training that I gained when I found what
a special way to invest in long-term stocks
that I love to do. I was doomed from
the start and did not know it.


If you have someone that you know really
well that is a successful futures or options
trader who is a colleague or a family
member and you can verify for a fact that
they have been profitable in the long run
then you are a very lucky person. You
know one of the very few people that can
make money in these markets. If they
offer to mentor you then you should by
all means learn from them.


If on the other hand you are starting out
like I did without even a pot to spit in then
I will show you the ropes in such a way
that you don�t have to suffer the initially
heavy losses that I endured painfully.
The special report that comes with my
free CD gives you the initial starting steps
that you need to take to become a successful
investor. Go here now to get the free CD:


-Scott (Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D.)

Ps. I will be sending you e-mails more
frequently, up to one per day, to help
guide you on how to take the first baby
steps as a long-term stock investor.
The feedback I am getting tells me that
my recent messages are helping a lot
people get the initial clarity they need.

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Mutual funds snare the public in a hidden tax trap

�The Wallet Doctor�
A financial newsletter for long-term investors!
Volume 1, Issue 15
Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D.


One among many ways you lose money in non-indexed mutual funds is the tax trap. You may have to pay taxes even when your mutual fund loses money! To many people this is painfully unexpected. Here is how this counter intuitive event occurs. By law, mutual funds do not pay taxes. Instead, they pass on those taxes to you, the shareholder in the mutual fund. If the fund manager sells a stock for more than it cost the fund a profit is generated. This profit is called a capital gain and it is taxable. Capital gains are taxed at your ordinary income tax rate which is between 28% and 38.6% for most investors if the fund held the stock for less than a year. If the stock was held for more than a year, in other words long term, the tax is 20%.

There are a couple of reasons why mutual funds pay taxes. If the fund does poorly investors will bail out. The mutual fund has to sell off stock to pay the investors who leave. Even if you are not one of the investors jumping ship you will still have to pay your portion of the capital gains tax.

Dividends are another reason that taxes come due. Dividends are taxed at the per-share earnings distributions that companies make out of their quarterly earnings. Many investors instruct their mutual fund to automatically reinvest their dividends. This means that the fund uses the money to buy more shares in your name. Even if you reinvest and never get a penny of the dividends, they are subject to tax, according to the IRS.

Another reason you may get a tax bill is due to high turnover. Turnover measures the frequency with which a fund manger buys and sells shares, sometimes in search of the next high-flying stock or undervalued stock on the verge of taking off. According to Lipper, the average fund in 2000 showed a turnover rate of 122%. This means that the entire portfolio changed between January and December, and 22% of the replacement shares changed as well. This is the ultimate case of account churning! You simply have to understand that when you buy into a fund you are buying into a tax liability.

The best way to avoid these taxes altogether is to restrict your purchases of mutual funds to your 401(k) and try to only buy indexed mutual funds such as the Vanguard 500 (FINX). If you want to learn more about investing in individual stocks get my course �The Blue-Collar Base Bonanza � What the insiders [definitely] don�t want you to know!� More detailed information about the course is on my website at http://walletdoctor.com/cgi-bin/arp3/arp3-t.pl?l=3&c=208.

The mission of the Delano Max Wealth Institute is to guide investors toward a secure retirement with the peace of mind that comes from the elimination of fear of investing and recognition of abundance within us instead of perception of lack in the world outside of us. We are driven by compassion for our fellow sentient beings, not fear of them, recognizing the equality and self evident rights of all, and are committed to conducting business based on the principles of the golden rule. Because of this commitment, we promise the following: To teach our students in the most simple, plain language wherever possible. To teach our students how to save consistently in increasing increments with increasing wealth: To teach our students how to diversify: To teach our students how to avoid large losses as best we know how: To teach our students how to turn away anything that sounds too good to be true: To share every secret we know about investing with investors who participate in our trainings. Finally, the Delano Max Wealth Institute promises to lead the way with innovative courses and seminars, bringing benefits to all who are associated with us.

The material in this site and newsletter is provided for personal, non-commercial, educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement with respect to any company or product. TheWalletDoctor.com and The Delano Max Wealth Institute makes no representations and specifically disclaims all warranties, express, implied or statutory, regarding the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose of any material contained in this site. You should seek the advice of a professional regarding your particular situation.
� 2005 TheWalletDoctor.com and The Delano Max Wealth Institute, LLC.

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Are you that f#$%&*@ stupid? WalletDoctorBlog...

...this is what my wife practically screamed
at me when she found out that I had lost ten
thousand dollars trading options on that fateful
day back in 1995! I have to tell you WalletDoctorBlog
that I could barely look her in the eye.
I felt like a total heel!


I had finally figured out that low volatility
channels are a great way to trade futures
markets. Less than a year before I watched
all summer as CBOT corn went into a low
volatility trading range at record 20 year low
prices. But I made a major mistake. I didn�t
believe in myself enough and put a mechanical
stop-loss at the bottom of the channel. The
market did what I now know is normal�it
shook me out below the bottom of the channel a
nd knocked me right out of the market.


I then watched the corn market make one of
the largest moves in the past century without
me on board! I would have made over a million.
I was so angry that I just had to get back at the
market. I heard about some option guru who
claimed that futures options are safe and easy
(the firm is now bankrupt from mismanaged
futures option trading). My greed, anger, and
stupidity sucked me right into buying his options
course and I began trading options in the bond
market. It seemed like a sure thing but the
problem was that I didn�t really understand
options like I do today.


When the bond market started to move I
lost ten thousand dollars in the eight minutes
it took my futures brokerage associated person
to unwind me out of the CBOT bond market.
Once it was over I sighed in relief that I had
not lost my home because I didn�t understand
options at the time well enough to know
beforehand that my exposure was so substantial.
Then a cold terror came over me as I realized
that my wife had no idea what I had just done.
Our combined salary at the time was around
$50,000 per year and I was going to have to
tell her that I had lost a fifth of that in one day
trying to get back at the market.


When she came home and found out she could
barely control her tears. I promised her that
I would never put our hard earned assets on
the line again without prior consultation ever
again. I also began an intensely laser focused
study of all aspects of investing that led to my
Ph.D. in finance; the highest credential a person
can earn in the investment field.


In my study of the market I came to see that
manipulative insiders hide the fact that they are
loading up be letting single stock issues fall into
low volatility price channels. I also learned that
when they have their fill they jack up the market
for the single stock issue with a lot of marketing
hype and it all right on the public�s head at
exorbitant prices. Then the stock�s price
crashes and the public gets hosed out of its


As important, I learned from a friend of mine
who is a cognitive psychologist, Dr. Van
Tharp that people who are not at peace with
the markets always lose! I found out that the
only way for someone angry at the market
like I had been to undo the damage was to
truly forgive the market. At the time, this
was the most bizarre thing I had ever heard
especially since I am no religious type of
guy but it really worked! (Van introduced
me to the best structured meditation series to
learn true forgiveness called A Course in
Miracles and that is why I put new a section
on my discussion board about it.)


When I finally forgave the market all my
fear, greed, and stupidity vanished. I also
no longer had any desire whatsoever to enter
markets that I was simply too undercapitalized
to trade like futures or options. Once my
vision cleared by forgiving the markets I could
see that the vast majority of the public that trade
futures or options lose for a very subtle reason
people just don�t get. People are attracted to
these markets because they are financially
frustrated (they are really angry which is a
form of fear) with their finances.


Their anger and fear attracts them into these
extremely risky markets and the hucksters
that create futures and options courses usher
them in like circus carnies. But here is the
subtle truth that the futures and options
gurus never tell you. To trade futures you
have to be highly capitalized (have a lot of
money) to succeed. If you can go to Vegas
and play a $50,000 bankroll with no fear of
losing it because the loss won�t affect your
finances one iota then you have the basic
qualifications to potentially become a
successful futures trader. But here is the rub!
I just told you that most people who are
attracted to the futures markets are frustrated
because they don�t have much money! I
also just told you that you need a lot of
money to have a reasonable shot of winning
in these markets. This means that the vast
majority of futures traders are doomed to fail.


The same goes for options but the reason is
even more subtle. The option course gurus
usher people into the market by claiming that
there is very little risk in trading options.
They do correctly explain that you can buy
an option and enjoy a great amount of upside
profit potential with very little investment.
What they fail to tell you is that nearly all
options expire worthless. If you plop down
$2,000 to control $50,000 of futures contracts
of stock but then it expires belly up in two
months it seems to me that you just lost $2,000
of your saving!. That same $2,000 could
easily be worth $50,000 or even $200,000 or
more in ten or twenty years if invested in the
right low priced single stocks TAX FREE
through a Roth IRA.


After years of hard work I wired out my
Bulletproof Stock investing strategy that
lets me ride the backs of manipulative
stock market insiders as an unwanted guest
I decided to get back in to the market. My
wife was understandably hesitant when I
told her that I was going to put our nest egg
on the line again trading my innovative way
of looking at the stock market. It took her a
few years to trust that what I do really is so
much lower risk than even buying a mutual
fund. Now she doesn�t even blink when I tell
her that I am buying a few thousand more
shares of stock. She is completely calm
because I have had five straight winning years
while many other people in the public got
tattered by inside corporate executives when
they dumped all of their stock on the public�s
head in 2000 and began the downslide. Some
people will never enter the stock market again
because they got burned so bad and will never
learn that it was because they didn�t have the
special X ray glasses my course gives you.


I decided to share this very personally and
painful part of my development as an investor
with you so that you can truly understand how
deep in the investing trenches I have been and
how low the lows have been for us before we
found the silver (platinum really) lining of
long term single stock investing. I really
have been there and I really have done that
when it comes to all aspects of investing.
The reason that I am successful now as a long-term
single stock investor is that the application of true
forgiveness, experience and intensely focused study
has given me X-ray glasses that allow me to see the
long-term opportunities in the stock market
that you can�t see right now. I see the markets
in a different way because I am not blinded by
fear or rage. The key I want you to get is that
I no longer worry about my investing because
I have forgiven the market; I finally sleep like
a baby at night.


Ironically, a friend e-mailed me last Friday
the he thought that the stock market really
sucked. The market happened be in a hard
downturn. My friend is very wealthy from
years of working in an unrelated industry
but he makes the mistake of listening to
stock tips instead of trusting his own analysis.
His stocks lost a lot of money at the end of
last week. I e-mailed him back and told him
that even thought the DJIA and NASDAQ
indices (you will learn about these in my
course) lost a lot of ground that the stocks
my wife and I owned were completely stable.
There is a very special reason for this I teach
you in my course I call the strong hand effect.


That is why I don�t hype and pump some
get rich quick scheme on you that just to
sell a bunch of courses while I laugh all
the way to the bank and you get the shaft.
You will learn to invest the right way in my
Bulletproof Stock Investing course.
The course is not a bunch of CDs either; it is
a community of like minded investors that
you will enter into. I am not some fancy
guru. I am just a guy that got his butt kicked
severely hard in the market ten years ago,
learned from it, didn�t give up, studied it
way harder than anyone you know, and really
understands how to make money in the stock
market today. I won�t teach you hype or crap
and you will need patience but the potential
for you to get rich over the long haul in the
stock market really is there! Of all of the people
with investing courses out there I really am
one of the very few who can teach you the
right way to invest in the stock market because
I have been to hell and back and most
importantly I am profitable in my own stock
investing. Get off the fence and get my course
or at least get my free CD to hear more about
what I will teach you about stock investing the
right way. I won�t ever tell you what you want
to hear because I will only tell you what I know
is right for you to have a bright financial future.


I am here for you but you have to take the first step,

-Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D.

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Friday, January 20, 2006

The healing power of true forgiveness WalletDoctorBlog�

�is available to anyone who decides to employ this incredible psychological tool that is truly capable of transforming your life for the better. You must have always suspected that the grudges that you have held against other, the remembered slanders or hurts you felt yourself a victim of, or the derogatory comments or even thought you have made or had about someone else only hold you back from achieving your greatness.


I have recently sent you two e-mails concerning the power of forgiveness. I have been very pleasantly surprised the many thanks you have given me for them. One Wallet Doctor Subscriber told me that she had never heard of a financial wealth teacher teaching about forgiveness. She was surprised to realize that it actually makes sense that forgiveness actually impacts her financial health directly.


I have also had requests from you about how to learn how to do true forgiveness. For this reason I have just added a True Forgiveness section to The Wallet Doctor Discussion Board which is the general investing forum for the Wallet Doctor E-zine. Go there now, register, and post any questions you might have about this most powerful of all psychological tool that will transform you financial situation and general happiness.


See you at the forum!


If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog, what is the most powerful force in the universe?

Hi WalletDoctorBlog;

The most powerful force in the universe is
FORGIVENESS. The reason that this is so
is that your mind and your thoughts create
your reality. Top investors for instance to
a tee all see themselves as in control of their
investing experience. These top earners know
that what your mind wants it also expects.


Well, what happens when the mind is split in
two directions? What happens if you feel
guilty about something you did in the past
or angry at somebody for what you think that
they did and at the same time are trying to
make a lot of money as an investor? What
happens is that your desire to grow wealthy
as an investor will push you forward but your
guilt, anger, or fear will pull you back. This is
just like driving a car with the parking break on!


Forgiveness is a psychological tool that you can
use to heal your mind. If you are afraid of
someone for instance and truly forgive them
you will no longer fear them. If you guilty
about something you did to someone in the
past and truly forgive yourself then you won�t
feel guilty about become financially successful.


If you are angry at someone and truly forgive
them you will no longer feel angry at them.
Most importantly with fear, anger, and guilt
erased from your mind it will operate more
efficiently in the direction you really want to go.
I teach you in my course how practice true
forgiveness so that you can tune up and
supercharge your mind toward the financial
goals you want to achieve.


Forgive, heal, and prosper,


If you or someone close to you is in dire straights
and wants specific true forgiveness steps on an
intensive meditation path that is very
advanced and way beyond the financial scope of
my course send me an e-mail and I will tell you where
you can get the book.

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Did you know WalletDoctorBlog that sickness is anger taken out on the body?

Don�t ever forget what I am about to tell
you WalletDoctorBlog because your life really
does depend on it;


My father died of throat cancer when I was 19.
That is certainly nothing new to you as I am sure
that you have had people close to you die of horrific
diseases around you before. The thing is that I
was studying molecular biology at the time and I
had started to seriously question if we really
understood disease and death. The reason is that I
was a student at one of the top schools in the world,
Indiana University, and my friends were among
the smartest in the world in terms of medical research;
the guys who teach your doctors what to do to you.


The reason I was questioning the nature of disease is
that I was becoming aware of spontaneous healings.
I began to notice that people who held in a lot of
anger, like my dad, died horrible deaths.
Alternatively, I also noticed that people that didn�t
take offense to things that happened to them in life
didn�t get as sick as often, as much or at all.


For instance I know of one women who was
spontaneously healed of cancer when she surrendered
all of her fear (anger is just a form of fear really).
I also know of a physician on the faculty of the
University of San Francisco who was spontaneously
cured of cancer after she decided to forgive
everyone she ever knew in her life. So here is a
question I pose to you. Does forgiveness have
the power to cure our physical illnesses? I have
come to observe that it does.


If forgiveness has the power to heal our bodies by
removing our fear, guilt, and anger what do you think
it can do for your finances? Is there a situation, person,
or memory that you can forgive right now to start
moving forward financially?


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog, with teary eyes he thanked me

Hi WalletDoctorBlog-

I have a close friend who just got out of his third
marriage. The thing is that each woman he
attracted into his life had the exact same kind of
defective negative thinking that led to large
financial losses, frustration, suffering for my friend.
Part way into the marriage he came to me and
confided that he desperately needed to get a divorce
and get out of the marriage.


I was very concerned for my friend because he is a
very disciplined and organized person with a decorated
career in the military that included multiple tours
of Viet Nam. My friend who is one of the best
drivers, for instance, was having difficulties driving
coherently because he was so upset about his marital


He came to me for financial advice and after I analyzed
the situation I told him that unfortunately the only thing he
could do was file for divorce. He warned me that his
third wife was very spiteful and was constantly trying to
provoke him into confrontation. She had already filed a
bogus spousal battery report at the local police station
that the judge threw out of court. He told me that she
was constantly in his face trying to provoke a reaction
from him so that she could have real grounds in divorce
court to clean him out of all of his hard earnings.


I told my friend that the financial advice I had given him
was the simple part. I then gave him the key to the most
powerful force in the universe. I was skeptical because
I know that some people cannot follow this special advice
when I give it to them. I told my dear friend that the only
way he was going to (1) get out of the divorce financially
intact without a criminal record and (2) undo the
psychological cycle that kept drawing him back into the
same kind of relationship was to forgive his wife! That�s
right; the most powerful force in this universe is forgiveness.


I told him that practicing forgiveness in his situation was
going to be tough. I told him that the first time he practiced
this that he may have to shut his eyes and focus on forgiving
her despite having clenched fists and intermittent swear
words due to the fear, anger, and frustration he would feel
toward her. I told him that in his mind he would know
if he had forgiven her (and himself) if he no longer felt that
either of them was in any way guilty of anything; if he saw
them both as completely innocent unconditionally.


We parted that day and because I am so busy creating
awesome courses to help you progress as an investor that
simply I forgot about the conversation. The next time
I saw my friend when we were driving down the road I
noticed that my friends eyes were tearing up. I really
shuddered inside because I suspected that he had some
real bad news for me that involved jail time. What he
said next totally blew me away! He said, �Scott, I
cannot believe that in all of my seventy odd years of
age that I have never learned the power of practicing
simple forgiveness and even crazier I learned it from
someone less than two thirds my age!�


He went on to tell me that he had done exactly what I
had told him and that even though it was hard at first that
over time he noticed that he no longer had any hard
feelings towards his wife. He said that it was extremely
ironic that the more peaceful he became around his
wife the more suspicious and spiteful she became.
It didn�t matter though because he had made his mind
into a brick-house through forgiveness out of the thatch-hut
it had been before. It didn�t matter any longer how
much the, menacing looking, wolf huffed and puffed she just
could not sway him any longer because she was forgiven!


He has now come through the divorce and feels in his
mind that he will never be attracted into the destructive
relationships like his last three marriages. Not only has
he learned to manage his finances better but also his mind.
I don�t just teach you investing in my course. If I did I
would be ripping you off. I also point you down the
road to how to clean the fearful junk out of your mind
so that you feel more peaceful, happy, and here.


If you are mad at someone causing you grief and want a
miracle then forgive them unconditionally to unwind your
mind and the situation. If you don�t know how to forgive
(most people don�t) don�t worry because I will give you
a vital tip in the next e-mail. Relax and enjoy your day
because you really are completely forgiven if you will
just accept it!


Ps. If you think this message will help someone you
know dealing with a problem that forgiveness could
help please forward it to them from www.walletdoctor.com !

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Friday, January 13, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog, indecision is lethal to a good CEO!

Hi WalletDoctorBlog;

This lesson is so important that I am sending
it to you again. I don't know if you remember the
movie about the Argentinean soccer players
that were stranded in an airplane crash in the
Andes on the way to Chile. The movie is
"Alive! (1992)."


In the movie the soccer team
finally figures out that nobody is going to
find them. Two of them decide to walk
down the mountain into Chile for help and
there is a lot of arguing about whether or not
to do anything.


There are two boys that make it down the mountain
and do find help while a few decide to stay behind
to help the injured. The rest just
give up and can't decide at all. Everybody
who has seen the movie knows that but here
is the rest of the story. One of these
young men is now a Hispanic corporate executive
highly regarded for his management ability and
highly sought after as a corporate speaker in
the Spanish language throughout the Hispanic
corporate world which is both affluent and well


A colleague of my wife at the large NYSE listed
bank they both work for had the pleasure of
listening to this motivational speaker and corporate
executive who survived this harrowing crash
and stranding.


He emphasized that he learned a skill, from
his crash and stranding experience that
resulted in the group resorting to
cannibalism of the dead victims of the crash
who were their departed friends, that sets
him apart in the world. He emphasized the
vital importance of decisiveness in his talk
in the Spanish language to the corporate
bank executives.


He said that some decided
to stay behind to help the others while the
two walked down the mountain but others
couldn't decide what to do at all and that
each person in the group that could not
decide what to do suffered a special fate;
each and every person who was indecisive
died...yup they died done dead!


This now successful Hispanic corporate
executive explained that the key to his
stellar rise was that he had developed the
ability to make a decision and stick to it
within 60 seconds after he gathers the
necessary facts. He further emphasized that
it normally takes him far less than 60
seconds to make a decision.


He has also
observed that managers that are slow
decision makers are bad administrators of
the operations they control. He simply does
not tolerate indecisiveness because he
knows how costly it really is. I see this, for
instance, in my university students who
don't open a Roth IRA immediately after I
explain to them how valuable it is.


I know that such university finance students
are NEVER going to succeed in the stock
market. If I take on a student and start to get
a whiff of the stench of indecisiveness the
show is usually over for the student. I give
them one warning and then if they still
exhibit indecisiveness they don't get
anymore of my time because I know that
they will never do anything with the
knowledge I give them.


Sometimes they
get mad at me when they figure out they are
getting blown off and I give them a second
warning and tell them to go look into a
mirror at the source of all their problems
(even my wife says I am way too direct but
I honestly don't know of anyway to handle
indecisive people because the drive me
absolutely bonkers!). Ask yourself this;
what can you do right now to change your
financial future and learn the
right approach to stock investing?


I am here for you,


If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I swear WalletDoctorBlog, I am not on crack!

Howdy WalletDoctorBlog-

If I were on were on crack then you�d have to call
me �The Crack Doctor� and that just doesn�t
sound nearly as right as �The Wallet Doctor.�
I do feel as hyped up as if I were on crack though
because of all of the fantastic things happening
right now!


Some of you know and have been eagerly
anticipating the release of Gecko Software�s
stock charting and simulation software. Well,
it is finally around the corner. No official
date yet from Lan Turner but it is definitely
right around the corner.


This software will be a part of my course
and will help you as a ninja assassin
bonanza base hunter after you study my course.
The inside corporate executives will be utterly
unable to project their evil voodoo on you!
This software will also help me teach you
more through webinars as part of my home
study course �Bulletproof Stock Investing �
what the insiders don�t want you to know!�


I can honestly tell you that I wish I had the
guidance when I started as a stock investor
that I will be giving you as a member of my
course. When Lan�s software is released there is
going to be a stampede, it has already started,
so get the audio CD that tells you about
my course today so that you can order before the
stampede turns into a roar!


Take action and do something to change your
financial life for the better now!

I am here for you and I am not nor have I ever been on crack,

Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D.

Ps. My wife is calmer now but she really is
going to kick my butt if I keep giving the course
away at the low price you can only get through
the audio CD!

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog, is my husband high on crack?

Hi WalletDoctorBlog;

I am Dr. Brown�s wife Marisol. When he first told
me that he was going to teach all of his stock
investing secrets in his course he calls
�Bulletproof Stock Investing� I told him he must
be high on crack!


Then when he told me he was going
only charge around five hundred dollars
for the course I knew he was on crack. I
was mad that he was practically giving
our secrets away for free that cost us so
much to learn.


He made me listen to his �new and improved�
edition of the CD and he was pleased to hear
how much I really like it because of his
sincerity in trying to help people become
financially secure.


What really got my goat though was that
he offers a special discounted price for the
course that he doesn�t advertise only for people
who get the CD! I was so mad I made him
promise me he would never sell our investing
secrets this low ever again and he shook on it.


The course that reveals all of our investing
secrets will NEVER go for this low again. If
you want the special price then you had
better get the CD now because the price is
only going up. I have his word on this and
I have a cast iron skillet hanging on the wall
to enforce it.


If you want this reduced price then get the
CD for a limited (or I will kick his butt) time


If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog, join our fr^ee inv.esting discussion

Hi WalletDoctorBlog;

I can answer your questions directly now in the new Wallet Doctor Discussion Board. When you get to the board you need to register to get your username and password. Here is the link to the board:


IMPOTANT: When you get to the board you will see a �register� button that will take you to a form where you will have to set up your username and password to access the forum. Don�t forget your password because I don�t have access to it and you will have to reset if you lose it. Here is what you will see:
The Wallet Doctor Discussion Board
The Wallet Doctor Is In!
FAQ Search Memberlist Usergroups Register


This discussion board is only open to you because you are subscribed to my Wallet Doctor ezine. Every time I send out an e-mail like this I get a number of investment questions. Many of these questions are the same other people have has well. To join the Wallet Doctor Discussion Board go here now:


I created this for you. I wish I had the opportunity when I started to learn how to manage my finances and invest in single stocks for the long run. If you will post your questions on the board I will be checking in to answer them. This also gives you an opportunity to interact with other people in the Wallet Doctor community that you will also learn from and maybe even make new friends also interested in investing. Go here now to join the board:


You will want to bookmark the link. By the way, thanks so much for all of the help with naming my new books! I can�t tell you how much this helps me help you,


If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Friday, January 06, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog, he had sixty seconds or he died

Hi WalletDoctorBlog;

I don't know if you remember the
movie about the Argentinean soccer players
that were stranded in an airplane crash in the
Andes on the way to Chile. The movie is
"Alive! (1992)."


In the movie the soccer team
finally figures out that nobody is going to
find them. Two of them decide to walk
down the mountain into Chile for help and
there is a lot of arguing about whether or not
to do anything.


There are two boys that make it down the mountain and do
find help while a few decide to stay behind
to help the injured. The rest just
give up and can't decide at all. Everybody
who has seen the movie knows that but here
is the rest of the story. One of these
young men is now a Hispanic corporate
executive highly regarded for his management
ability and highly sought after as a corporate
speaker in the Spanish language throughout the
Hispanic corporate
world which is both affluent and well educated.


A colleague of my wife at the large NYSE listed
bank they both
work for had the pleasure of listening to this
motivational speaker and corporate
executive who survived this harrowing crash
and stranding.


He emphasized that he learned a skill, from
his crash and stranding experience that
resulted in the group resorting to
cannibalism of the dead victims of the crash
who were their departed friends, that sets
him apart in the world. He emphasized the
vital importance of decisiveness in his talk
in the Spanish language to the corporate
bank executives.


He said that some decided
to stay behind to help the others while the
two walked down the mountain but others
couldn't decide what to do at all and that
each person in the group that could not
decide what to do suffered a special fate;
each and every person who was indecisive
died...yup they died done dead!


This now successful Hispanic corporate
executive explained that the key to his
stellar rise was that he had developed the
ability to make a decision and stick to it
within 60 seconds after he gathers the
necessary facts. He further emphasized that
it normally takes him far less than 60
seconds to make a decision.


He has also
observed that managers that are slow
decision makers are bad administrators of
the operations they control. He simply does
not tolerate indecisiveness because he
knows how costly it really is. I see this, for
instance, in my university students who
don't open a Roth IRA immediately after I
explain to them how valuable it is.


I know that such university finance students
are NEVER going to succeed in the stock
market. If I take on a student and start to get
a whiff of the stench of indecisiveness the
show is usually over for the student. I give
them one warning and then if they still
exhibit indecisiveness they don't get
anymore of my time because I know that
they will never do anything with the
knowledge I give them.


Sometimes they
get mad at me when they figure out they are
getting blown off and I give them a second
warning and tell them to go look into a
mirror at the source of all their problems
(even my wife says I am way too direct but
I honestly don't know of anyway to handle
indecisive people because they drive me
absolutely bonkers!). So I ask you this
right now; what are you going to do to
change your financial future and learn
the right approach to stock investing?
Click below if you can decide within
60 seconds:


I can help you if you are or can learn
to be decisive,


If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

WalletDoctorBlog, our hairdresser retired well from stock investing

Hi WalletDoctorBlog,

I just had a conversation two days ago with
family friends who lived in the same neighborhood
as I grew up.

None of us knew that they were getting rich in
the stock market by saving a little bit every
day from what she made cutting hair. Then she
invested it in the stock market. She told me that
She literally can�t believe how much she is worth now.


On my fr-ee CD, you will be hearing me,
the Wallet Doctor disuss stock investing.
I will help you create and grow strong, powerful,
and highly profitable ways of investing in
the stock market.


Choosing to listen to this audio CD
could be a major turning point in your life, as it
has been in the lives of other folks just like you.

Here's what one person had to say about it:

��The Bulletproof Stock Investing System� is
the most most profitable and easy to understand
Stock investment Course I have ever studied, and
I have studied many investment courses. � �
Rudy Gallion � California

By the way, I almost forgot to mention that
this special audio is fr-ee for
a very small shipping and handling fee.
And you can even listen from
the privacy of your own home -- all you
need is a phone and pad of paper for taking

You will learn profitable stock investing
strategies from me!

Scott Brown, Ph.D.

PS: This really is your first step to financial
success if you decide to take it.

Go Here Right Now:


If you want to read what others had to say about
this audio CD, go visit our website right now.



The Delano Max Wealth Institute, LLC
5190 Neil Road, Suite 430
Reno, NV 89502

If at any time you wish to unsub-scribe, simply cl-ick the li-nk below:

If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog, recommendations for the beginner investor

We have a nice thread started on the Wallet Doctor Forum concerning the basic steps you need to do to get started investing. When you get to the board you need to register to get your username and password. Here is the link to the board:


IMPOTANT: When you get to the board you will see a �register� button that will take you to a form where you will have to set up your username and password to access the forum. Don�t forget your password because I don�t have access to it and you will have to reset if you lose it. Here is what you will see:
The Wallet Doctor Discussion Board
The Wallet Doctor Is In!
FAQ Search Memberlist Usergroups Register


This discussion board is only open to you because you are subscribed to my Wallet Doctor ezine. Every time I send out an e-mail like this I get a number of investment questions. Many of these questions are the same other people have has well. To join the Wallet Doctor Discussion Board go here now:


I created this for you. I wish I had the opportunity when I started to learn how to manage my finances and invest in single stocks for the long run. If you will post your questions on the board I will be checking in to answer them. This also gives you an opportunity to interact with other people in the Wallet Doctor community that you will also learn from and maybe even make new friends also interested in investing. Go here now to join the board:


You will want to bookmark the link. By the way, thanks so much for all of the help with naming my new books! I can�t tell you how much this helps me help you,


If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog, another year gone by and is the stock market is still a mystery to you?


Look, I have been where you are right now.
when I started all I had was the desire to learn
to invest but I didn�t have anyone to show me


I didn�t have a rich uncle or a rich anyone for
that matter who really knew what made the
markets tick. I read just every book published
about investing I could find.


One day I came across some real backwater,
obscure publications that talked about how
big guys like J.P. Morgan used to corner the
market. I didn�t realize it at the time but I had
stumbled across the secret to consistency as a
stock investor.


It took me years though to realize just how
valuable what I knew was. I had to bounce
everything of my Ph.D. research and over time
came to see that what I had found is the most
consistent approach to the stock markets I am
aware of.


Look, another year has passed and if you
are still in the same place with the same
desire to learn how to invest in the stock
market then ask yourself why. You can take
a small step forward by listening to the
audio CD I have prepared for you.


What is your new years proposition? If it
involves financial security in any way than
this CD is tailor made for you.


I am here to help you but you have to take
the first step,


If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog, more answers to your questions

Hi WalletDoctorBlog;

I can answer your questions directly now in the new Wallet Doctor Discussion Board. When you get to the board you need to register to get your username and password. Here is the link to the board:


IMPOTANT: When you get to the board you will see a �register� button that will take you to a form where you will have to set up your username and password to access the forum. Don�t forget your password because I don�t have access to it and you will have to reset if you lose it. Here is what you will see:
The Wallet Doctor Discussion Board
The Wallet Doctor Is In!
FAQ Search Memberlist Usergroups Register


This discussion board is only open to you because you are subscribed to my Wallet Doctor ezine. Every time I send out an e-mail like this I get a number of investment questions. Many of these questions are the same other people have has well. To join the Wallet Doctor Discussion Board go here now:


I created this for you. I wish I had the opportunity when I started to learn how to manage my finances and invest in single stocks for the long run. If you will post your questions on the board I will be checking in to answer them. This also gives you an opportunity to interact with other people in the Wallet Doctor community that you will also learn from and maybe even make new friends also interested in investing. Go here now to join the board:


You will want to bookmark the link. By the way, thanks so much for all of the help with naming my new books! I can�t tell you how much this helps me help you,


If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Monday, January 02, 2006

WalletDoctorBlog, answers to your questions

Hi WalletDoctorBlog;

I can answer your questions directly now in the new Wallet Doctor Discussion Board. When you get to the board you need to register to get your username and password. Here is the link to the board:


IMPOTANT: When you get to the board you will see a �register� button that will take you to a form where you will have to set up your username and password to access the forum. Don�t forget your password because I don�t have access to it and you will have to reset if you lose it. Here is what you will see:
The Wallet Doctor Discussion Board
The Wallet Doctor Is In!
FAQ Search Memberlist Usergroups Register


This discussion board is only open to you because you are subscribed to my Wallet Doctor ezine. Every time I send out an e-mail like this I get a number of investment questions. Many of these questions are the same other people have has well. To join the Wallet Doctor Discussion Board go here now:


I created this for you. I wish I had the opportunity when I started to learn how to manage my finances and invest in single stocks for the long run. If you will post your questions on the board I will be checking in to answer them. This also gives you an opportunity to interact with other people in the Wallet Doctor community that you will also learn from and maybe even make new friends also interested in investing. Go here now to join the board:


You will want to bookmark the link. By the way, thanks so much for all of the help with naming my new books! I can�t tell you how much this helps me help you,


If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below.

Mutual funds snare the public in a hidden tax trap

�The Wallet Doctor�
A financial newsletter for long-term investors!
Volume 1, Issue 15
Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D.


One among many ways you lose money in non-indexed mutual funds is the tax trap. You may have to pay taxes even when your mutual fund loses money! To many people this is painfully unexpected. Here is how this counter intuitive event occurs. By law, mutual funds do not pay taxes. Instead, they pass on those taxes to you, the shareholder in the mutual fund. If the fund manager sells a stock for more than it cost the fund a profit is generated. This profit is called a capital gain and it is taxable. Capital gains are taxed at your ordinary income tax rate which is between 28% and 38.6% for most investors if the fund held the stock for less than a year. If the stock was held for more than a year, in other words long term, the tax is 20%.

There are a couple of reasons why mutual funds pay taxes. If the fund does poorly investors will bail out. The mutual fund has to sell off stock to pay the investors who leave. Even if you are not one of the investors jumping ship you will still have to pay your portion of the capital gains tax.

Dividends are another reason that taxes come due. Dividends are taxed at the per-share earnings distributions that companies make out of their quarterly earnings. Many investors instruct their mutual fund to automatically reinvest their dividends. This means that the fund uses the money to buy more shares in your name. Even if you reinvest and never get a penny of the dividends, they are subject to tax, according to the IRS.

Another reason you may get a tax bill is due to high turnover. Turnover measures the frequency with which a fund manger buys and sells shares, sometimes in search of the next high-flying stock or undervalued stock on the verge of taking off. According to Lipper, the average fund in 2000 showed a turnover rate of 122%. This means that the entire portfolio changed between January and December, and 22% of the replacement shares changed as well. This is the ultimate case of account churning! You simply have to understand that when you buy into a fund you are buying into a tax liability.

The best way to avoid these taxes altogether is to restrict your purchases of mutual funds to your 401(k) and try to only buy indexed mutual funds such as the Vanguard 500 (FINX). If you want to learn more about investing in individual stocks get my course �The Blue-Collar Base Bonanza � What the insiders [definitely] don�t want you to know!� More detailed information about the course is on my website at http://walletdoctor.com/cgi-bin/arp3/arp3-t.pl?l=3&c=208.

The mission of the Delano Max Wealth Institute is to guide investors toward a secure retirement with the peace of mind that comes from the elimination of fear of investing and recognition of abundance within us instead of perception of lack in the world outside of us. We are driven by compassion for our fellow sentient beings, not fear of them, recognizing the equality and self evident rights of all, and are committed to conducting business based on the principles of the golden rule. Because of this commitment, we promise the following: To teach our students in the most simple, plain language wherever possible. To teach our students how to save consistently in increasing increments with increasing wealth: To teach our students how to diversify: To teach our students how to avoid large losses as best we know how: To teach our students how to turn away anything that sounds too good to be true: To share every secret we know about investing with investors who participate in our trainings. Finally, the Delano Max Wealth Institute promises to lead the way with innovative courses and seminars, bringing benefits to all who are associated with us.

The material in this site and newsletter is provided for personal, non-commercial, educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement with respect to any company or product. TheWalletDoctor.com and The Delano Max Wealth Institute makes no representations and specifically disclaims all warranties, express, implied or statutory, regarding the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose of any material contained in this site. You should seek the advice of a professional regarding your particular situation.
� 2005 TheWalletDoctor.com and The Delano Max Wealth Institute, LLC.

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